
一个国外旅行团晚宴时的一个活动,需要主持人带着30个老外做这几个小游戏“筷子夹乒乓球”“萝卜蹲”“抢板凳”“击鼓传花” 用英文怎样讲才能将游戏规则说清楚呢 还有活跃气氛都要怎么说呢 谢谢啦







第1个回答  2011-10-22
筷子夹乒乓球 Ping-pong ball pickup
Pick up ping-pong balls by chopsticks as many as possible within a period of time. The one who has picked up the most ping-pong balls is the winner.
萝卜蹲 Squat carrot
Five to ten people in a group, each player represents a kind of fruit or vegetable, e.g. pear, apple, carrot, water melon, cabbage. The first player will start to say: 'Squat xx (xx means the fruit represented by himself), squat xx, carrot squat after xx.' The player who presents carrot should say 'squat carrot, squat carrot, pear squat after carrot '. The player who speaks wrong or no action will be punished.
抢板凳 Snatches backless stool
Five players and four backless stools, four stools in the center, people should walk around the stools when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, players have to snatch the stools and sit down, each stool for just one player, the one who havnt sit on a stool is out of game; each round we will take away a stool, until there is one stool and one winner.
击鼓传花 Passing down
Passing down a flower or sth one by one when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, the flower cannot be pass down anymore, and the one who has the flower will be punished.
第2个回答  2011-10-22
1.Clamp ping-pongs /table tennis with chopsticks. 2.Turnip squat 3.Snatch chairs with others 4.Beat a drum as pass on a flower.When the sound of the drum stop,the one who with the flower on his hands should sing or be punished.
第3个回答  2011-10-22
我应该这样说,Can you speak chinese?OK,Let‘s speak chines!