


(1)wait for +sb./sth./时间段“ 等候……” for是介词。

wait for me 等候我

wait for a bus等公交车

wait for about twenty minutes 等了大约20分钟

(2) wait +时间段+for+sb./sth.

wait a long time for the train(人教版八上Unit 1)等火车等了好久

wait for sb./sth.+for+时间段

Yesterday I waited for my sister for over an hour.昨天,我等我妹妹等了一个多小时。

(3) wait for sb.to do 等某人做某事

He is waiting for me to go to the store together.他正在等我一起去商店。

(4) can't/could't wait to do迫不及待地做某事,等不及做某事

He could't wait to open the door.他迫不及待地打开了门。

(5) wait a minute 等一会儿

wait a moment 等一会儿

just a moment 请稍等
