
第一幅图是两个小孩在雪地里堆雪人,在下雪的,题目是winter,第一句是:Now it is winter. 第二幅图是一个小孩坐在沙滩上,一个准备下海游泳,还有两个在海里游泳,题目是summer,第一句是:It was summer.
一小篇10句,两篇作文是相连的,一个过去式,一个现在进行式,如:Now it is cold. lt was hot.
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Now is the winter,the weather is cold, the snow falls. We stay in the house for several days, feeling bored. So we get outside to play with the snow. We make a snowman, and throw snowballs to each other .We have a happy day.
When it was summer,it's very hot.We went to the seashore. Some friends and I had great fun playing in the water. Another one of my friend named Kenny can't swim. He could only play with sand on the shore.

第1个回答  2011-08-23
Now it is winter,it 's snowy outside.The weather is very cold, but Tom and Mike are very excited,because they can make a snowman and throw snowballs to each other. Look, they are making a snowman now, they look so happy! Tom and Mike are best friends.They usually play together.Last summer holiday, it was very hot.Tom and Mike wenting swimming with their classmates. Tom liked painting,so he stayed on the beach and drew a beautiful picture.His class mates were good swimmer,they're very happy in the sea.Mike also be good at swam,he joined them soon.That was a wonderful memory in a year for tnem!
第2个回答  2011-08-23
“Edelweiss, edelweiss, white unlatch spread~~~~~~”
This is my hometown! Hometown winter how beautiful it is! You see, the children to play so carefree, they push a big snowman, ha ha ha ha~~~~~laughter handed down so far.
Maybe you don't know, a few months ago, when we were still burning hot summer, here is a natural green water of the lake, at that time, the swarms of yo children come, swimming, playing ~~~~~~ was full of freedom, happiness~~~~~~~
Winter and summer in the hometown of what a fascination with!

第3个回答  2011-08-23

第4个回答  2011-08-23