

1. The Holland Career Interest Scale (version 2.0) is based on the pioneering six-type career interest theory proposed by Dr. Holland, a renowned American expert in vocational education. This theory was developed through extensive practical research and combined with the existing职业 classification directory. The test is the origin of all career interest assessments and is widely popular worldwide. In the process of revising the test, special consideration was given to China's specific national conditions and the actual situation of Chinese students and workers.
2. According to Dr. Holland's research findings and subsequent analysis and argumentation by others, people can generally be divided into six categories based on different occupational characteristics and personality traits: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and Conventional (C). Each of these six types has distinct typical characteristics. Individuals of each type tend to be interested in corresponding career types and exhibit a harmonious match between their personality traits and professional demands.
3. Dr. Holland's career theory posits that the core assumption is that individuals can be categorized into six major types: Realistic, Research, Social, Traditional, Enterprising, and Artistic. Similarly, career environments can also be divided into six corresponding types with the same names. The alignment of personality with career environments is the foundation for forming career satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.
4. This test is suitable for high school graduates, students currently enrolled in colleges and universities, upcoming college and university graduates, and individuals who have entered the workforce but desire a career change. It is designed for self-assessment to help discover and determine one's career interests and abilities. Additionally, it is appropriate for career guidance, consultation, and training institutions to use in their services.