

很久很久以前 的英语可以这么说;

Once upon a time ... / Long , long ago ...

Once upon a time there lived a greedy

queen in the palace.

汉语: 很久很久以前宫殿里住着一个贪婪

的 皇后 。

第1个回答  2020-09-10
A long time ago或者Long long ago
第2个回答  2020-09-10
long long ago
第3个回答  2021-09-12
Long long ago,there was a monkey. It couldn't climb a tree. Many monkeys laughed at it. But it didn't give up. It still wanted to climb the tree again and again, but it still didn't give up every time it fell from the tree. Finally, one day, the monkey finally climbed up the tree. He was very happy.