
she looked into the future and saw many long years____that would belong to her alone.
A. to come B. came C. will come D.had come
答案选A 这是为什么呢 实在搞不懂 求大虾指教 ps我觉得B也是可以解释通的:把many long years____that would belong to her alone.看成是saw的宾语从句,that后面的看成是long years 的定语从句。 愚以为挺有道理的 但是老师说不可能选B 我无知了

实际上,把这句话改成正常语序就是“she looked into the future and saw that would belong to her alone many long years to come.
这样就不难理解了,many long years to come.是这句话的时间状语,表示未来许多年以后


to come是用不定式做定语,表示将来,修饰years
第1个回答  2011-10-07
我的分析是to come 做years 的定语,即不定式做定语,翻译为即将到来的漫漫岁月,years 和come 是主谓关系。 你的想法我感觉也有道理。