
其它小雨工包、爱老公等国产镍氢电池都是吹牛大王,不建议购买,不仅影响续航还严重影响音质。原因是生产镍氢充电电池有三大难题:一是高电阻,二是记忆效应,三是性能一致。世界范围内只有爱乐普一家基本解决了这些问题,这就是它比很多品牌电池要贵近十倍的原因。高电阻:例如同样充满电后实测2450毫安电池,爱乐普用于数码相机可以达到拍照80张, 国产电池只能达到10几张,甚至几张,为什么?就是因为国产的没有解决高电阻问题电流还有很多,但是电压却迅速下降到电器的额定工作电压以下而无法工做。在非额定电压电流下运行使设备音质变差。
tf卡最好买金士顿的,本人几次检测过几个正品品牌tf卡,例如金士顿、创见、三迪斯科,同样标称速率下,金士顿要比其它品牌快的多,tf卡的虚标现象很严重,金士顿虽然只是刚刚达标,但是已经是最快的了 ,看来金士顿内存界老大并非浪得虚名这也是金士顿始终最贵的主因。
关于容量,见到官方论坛上有人在06mx上装了64g的tf卡也可以正常使用,我发现很多电子产品厂家都在“虚标”旗下产品可支持外置存储容量,例如标称支持16g tf卡,其实它64g都支持,厂家这样做是为了把低端产品和高端产品的档次拉开,由于可支持的内存卡容量不同你就可能会选择更高一级产品,当然也会更贵。
由于06mx自带读卡芯片, 往tf卡存歌曲可以直接把06mx接到电脑端,自动识别为移动硬盘,复制就可以,速度比使用读卡器要慢一点,也可以通过把tf卡插入读卡器进行文件拷贝。
最好再购买京东价35元的tp-link 5v 2a 手机充电器用来给06mx充电,钢琴烤漆表面艺术

Two, the purchase of accessories:

1, battery:

Please be sure to buy Panasonic black elop 2450 MA (Panasonic black elop 2450 Ma and 2550 Ma is a commodity, the packaging and the name of the commodity is 2550, battery says 2450), another white elop 2000 Ma and 1800 Ma can buy, but due to the high resistance characteristics of Ni MH battery, even elop, the actual available capacity can only reach about one-third, so low battery standby time is short, the measured black elop 2450 Ma after a few times after full activation for 06mx continuous playback can reach about 10 hours.

Other rain Gongbao, love her husband and other domestic nickel metal hydride batteries are blowhard, it is recommended not to buy, not only affects the life also seriously affect the sound quality. The reason is the production of nickel metal hydride rechargeable battery has three major problems: first, high resistance, two is the memory effect, the three is the same performance. In the world only elop a basically solved the these problems, this is it than many brand batteries to your nearly ten times. High resistance: for example, the same full power after 2450 Ma battery, love music for digital cameras can reach 80, the domestic battery can only reach 10, or even a few, why? Is because the domestic did not solve the problem of high resistance, there are a lot of current, but the voltage is quickly fell to the rated working voltage of electrical appliances and can not do. Operation of the non rated voltage current to make the device sound quality is poor.

Cycle performance elop It goes without saying that;

Then with a set of battery performance must be consistent, domestic battery has the same capacity, cycle and the individual difference of huge, in the environment of a group of battery powered, a group of batteries can only achieve the performance of the worst of the battery. It is best to have a look in the evaluation of Jingdong elop, a lot of old buyers real wise remark of an experienced person is clear.

2, TF card:

TF card, it is best to buy Kingston, I tested several times and a card a few genuine brand TF, such as Kingston, transcend, three disco, the same nominal rate, Kingston to much faster than other brands, TF Card vacuity phenomenon is very serious, Kingston although only just met, but is already the fastest the, it seems that Kingston memory industry boss not wave of fame which is Kingston has always been the most expensive advocate because of.

Said to Kingston as a modern home computer memory of inventors and standard makers, since the founding of the eighties, the in memory bounded has absolute leading and monopoly and all other brands of memory are in fact authorized Kingston. Therefore, Kingston, of course, the best technology for its own use. In addition to the ordinary TF card can also be used, as long as a single music file is not too large.

With regard to capacity, see the official forum on people in 06mx tops the 64g TF card can also be used normally, I found many electronic products manufacturers are in "virtual standard" its products can support for external storage capacity, such as nominal support 16g TF card, in fact it 64g support, manufacturers to do so is to open the grade of the high-end and low-end products, due to support memory card capacity is different, you might choose a higher level of products, of course, will more expensive.

Due to the 06mx comes with a chip card reader, to TF card deposit songs can be directly to the 06mx received a computer terminal, the automatic recognition for mobile hard disk, can be replicated, faster than using a card reader to slow down a little bit can also be the TF card into the card reader copy file.

3 charger:

TP-LINK 5V 2A mobile phone charger Jingdong best buy price of 35 yuan for charging the 06mx, piano paint surface art
第1个回答  2015-07-16