
张图片上的人大家都不会陌生,Barack Obama 。美国第一任黑人总统,从这里我们可以看出,美国黑人的地位有了很大的提高。但是,直到半个世纪前,美国黑人依然受到非常严重的歧视。
对于标榜平等的美国来说,黑人长期受到的不公正待遇无疑是一种讽刺。尽管一个伟大的美国人——林肯颁布了解放黑奴宣言,黑人仿佛迎来的曙光。但之后的100年,黑人的地位仍然非常低下,种族隔离和歧视带给黑人无穷的痛苦,黑人被隔离在“自由”的美国社会之外。对于黑人而言,争取民(和谐)权的运动一直在持续。本次游龘行集会的目的非常清楚,就是要求美国政府兑现它曾经许下的诺言:给予所有人以生存 自由和追求幸福的不可剥夺的权利。如果没有兑现承诺,黑人的斗争将会一直持续,直至胜利。而重提历史的目的就在于,一方面表示了对政府的不满,另一方面昭示民众,我们并非无理取闹,我们的斗争是合理合法的。

怎样实现梦想? 非暴力,纪律严明,信任联合白人

楼下的这位十七级牛人 您不能用 Negros 啊 这是美国人对黑人的蔑称
只能用 黑人the black 或 有色人种the colored 表达
还有的问题是 您的译文中 单复数不分

I believe you will not be unfamiliar with the person in this picture. Yes,he is just Barack Obama, the first black president of the USA. From that event, we can see the social status of the black in America has been improved a lot. However,this group still had heavily suffered a semicentennial racial discrimination. It is an irony that the black could not be fairly treated for a long time to the equality America has acclaimed. Although Abraham Lincoln,the great American who issued the "Declaration on the liberation of black slaves", seemingly leading the black to a bright future,the coloured people still stay in a lower social class, painfully suffering the racial segregation and discrimination and wandering out of the American freedom one hundred years later. To the black, the movement for thier civil right agoing clearly aimed to achieve the promise ever made by America —— all would be guaranteed the unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If they do not keep the promise,the struggle for the rights of the black will never end till to successed. Looking back the history is to show the dissatisfaction with the curent government, on the other hand to suggest the legality of their movements.
At the same time,Martin Luther King stressed that the black must forever conduct the struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline in a nonviolent way with trust and cooperation.

Who is the great American?
In the whole passage, a lot of parataxis sentences are used to open out the present condition of the black.
Then here come the question. A hundred years later,what a life will the black live?
How to accomplish the objective?
Fight in a nonviolent manner, observe strict disciplines, and trust your cooperators.