英语专业综合教程7 unit2 ambulance girl课文翻译,跪求大神!


When I became a volunteer EMT, my friends were puzzled. They knew me to be deeply


terrified of sick and dying people. If there was an accident on the road, I tucked my head in my


hands to avoid seeing blood or broken glass.

My husband and I had been married 30 years. We loved to travel, read and write. But at age


52, I felt stuck in a midlife funk, cut off from others. Passing the local firehouse one day, I saw a


sign: “Volunteers wanted: Fire/EMT.” The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me-my f


ear of death and disease. Maybe I could help others if I did this and could also save myself by


facing what scared me most.

As time goes by, I was able to work through my fears. Now I understand that the closest I


have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance. When I rush out to help sick strangers, I am


part of something larger than myself. Sometimes I truly connect with someone who I would never


have met otherwise-as I did with Nellie.

One midnight, the AIDS hospice needed help. A colleague and I were shown to a bedroom.


Lying there was a thin black woman with wild hair. When I was given a printout of her medical


history, I thought., this lady should be dead over ten times. She had AIDS, hepatitis and TB. She

次。她患有爱滋,肝炎还有肺结核。大脑做过手术 ,今天晚上是病情发作了。

had brain surgery. Tonight she had a seizure.

“Hello, I’m Clarissa, are you in pain?” I asked. She replied by cursing at me. I didn’t take offense.,你好,我是克拉丽沙。你很痛苦吗?我问到. 她诅咒回复我。我并没有生气

When I rode alone with her in the back of the ambulance as another EMT drove, I reread the

当 我和她坐在救护车的后半部分由另一名急救人员驾驶救护车时我又看了一遍她的病历

printout. Nellie was 33 years old. No previous address. No family members. No next of kin. Her


whole life as presented here was just a list of medicines, symptoms and illnesses. One line caught


my attention: Hobbies. Nellie’s hobbies were sewing and gospel singing. I could not sew, but I

loved gospel music

“Nellie, it says here that you like gospel music,” I asked. I expected another curse, but it


didn’t come. “I really like Shirley Caesar,” I continued, thinking of the singer’s heartbreaking song


about a mother’s love for her ungrateful son, pouring her soul into every word.


Suddenly Nellie’s eyes moved back and forth. “I like her too,” Nellie said weakly. I was


stunned she could speak. I started naming other gospel singers. With each one, Nellie nodded back, 能说话。我又说了好几个神音歌手。内莉表示点点头。

and I saw her try to smile. I was not a singer, but I decided to pretend that I was. It was not


unthinkable that Nellie might die during this ride to the hospital, that I would be the last face she


ever saw, the last voice she ever heard. I wanted to say something meaningful to her, something 意义的话。我握着她的手开始唱歌。
other than “Where does it hurt?” So I started singing, and I held Nellie’s hand as I sang.

We reached the hospital, and she was wheeled to one of the ER rooms. I touched her thin


shoulder. “Nellie,” I said. She fixed her eyes on me. “Take care of yourself.” She gave me one


long last look, and then turned her face to the wall.

When I climbed back into the ambulance, there was no more trace of Nellie. The driver had


cleaned and sanitized everything. “Let’s go,” I told him. As the ambulance pulled out, I felt like


crying. But my eyes remained dry, like Nellie’s. Hobbies: sewing and gospel music, I thought as


we glided in the darkness of the night toward home.
第1个回答  2015-09-12