How would you break the ice when you are together with a stranger at a party?

How would you break the ice when you are together with a stranger at a party?
What are the differences between the way we greet a Chinese and a Westerner?

这是讨论题~~ 有什么办法可以解决以上问题。英文说明。高中知识。高手来来来。
原谅我没悬赏~ 大哥哥大姐姐们~·  帮帮我 谢谢谢谢谢  万分之感谢~

1.For the first question, I think it will be a good way to break the ice if you say this:
" Hi, I like your dress (or anything the person is wearing at the party)"
" You look perfect in this color, do you work in fashion?"
you know, people always like to listen compliments, so, then you guys can talk more, from clothing to work (occupations), or the music which is playing at the party...etc.

(看得懂英文吗? 我用中文来说明一下好了~)
针对第一个问题, 有一个不错的方法是, 赞美对方的穿著打扮, 人们都喜欢被赞美, 这可以拉近彼此距离, 因此很容易再延伸其它的话题, 如工作啦,音乐啊等等的~

2. What are the differences between the way we greet a Chinese and a Westerner?

How do Chinese people greet each other? Informally, if we meet a friend on the street, we usually say: “Hi, have you had your meal?” or “Where are you going?”. When it is the case of two gentlemen, they tend to shake hands.
中国人怎麼打招呼呢? 非正式的场合下, 如果两个朋友在街上遇到, 会说"吃过了没?" 或 "上哪儿去呀?" 如果是两位男士, 可能还会握下手.

However, in the western countries, the above questions are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think you’re inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, they’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi.”. They’ll shake hands only in some formal situations.
但在西方就不一样了, 上面中国人的打招呼语会被视为是问句, 如果你问"吃过了没"他们会认为你是要邀请他们去吃饭或是问他们吃的食物如何. 通常, 他们只是会互相微笑一下或说声"嗨". 他们也只有在正式场合才会握手~
第1个回答  2011-09-24
you can talk about weather ,with him ,