a means to和a means of的区别?

When we say “X as a means of Y” suggests that X is a kind of Y. For example, I might say:
2) Dining out only seldom is a means of saving money.
3) Hand gestures alone do not always suffice as a means of communication.
In #2, there are many ways to save money, and one of those, one kind of way to save money, is to dine out infrequently. In #3, there are several forms of communication, and one of those, although not always the most efficient, are hand gestures.
Notice, in particular, the specific English idiom “by means of”, which means “with the use or help of.”
4) Having lost my paddles downstream, I rowed the canoe by means of a plank.
By contrast, the idiom “X as a means to Y” clearly delineates a difference between X and Y: X is a step on the way to Y, but X and Y are clearly different things, and one’s intent is to use X and thereby move past it toward Y. In this construct, Y is the true goal, the true object of one’s intention, and X is merely a method employed to achieve this goal.
5) She adopted a no-carb diet as a means to losing weight quickly.
6) The historic town invested in a billboard along the nearby interstate as a means to increased tourism.
In #5, the no-carbs diet is not a goal in and of itself: rather, it is simply a tool, a method, but which the person in question intends to lose weight. In #6, the billboard is not a goal in and of itself; the town’s goal is increased tourism, and the billboard is simply a method they hope will achieve this.
- See more at: http://magoosh.com/gmat/2012/gmat-sentence-correction-means-of-vs-means-to/#sthash.HdyvJQlE.dpuf

A is a means of B指的是,A是B的一种类型,通常A是达到B的一种手段和方法。
对于特定词组 by means of表示借助某事物,以某种方法
A is a means to B指的是,A是达成B这个目标的途径,和以上的区别在于,A和B是不同类型的,两者没必然联系。
第1个回答  2013-12-21
means 方法,手段
成语 a means to 和 a means of 意思相同,但两者因语法需求有不同用法和句型,

- a means to + 名词短语
- a means to + 动词原型 (动词不定式用法)
- a means of + 动词ing 形式引导名词短语


a means to
1 - Cities are promoting the arts as a means to greater economic development
2 - Policy makers are working to increase the size of the available labor force as a means to keep wages low and remain competitive.

a means of
1 - Parents join the tax-advantaged program as a means of funding their children’s college education.
2 - None of choices is acceptable as a means of reducing traffic conjestion in Beijing.