谁能帮我用英文翻译下句子,不胜感激。一:这是玻璃做的,顶多值一百元。 二:玛丽很有志向,她急切...

谁能帮我用英文翻译下句子,不胜感激。一:这是玻璃做的,顶多值一百元。 二:玛丽很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地。 三:如果你需要我们的产品,请提前和我联系。 四:我们需要一名卡车司机,你完全适合这项工作。 五:汤母对那个城市不熟悉,以前从没去过。 六:掌握一门外语很难,但值得付出努力。

1 This is made of glass, at most is worth one hundred yuan
2 Mary is very ambitious, eager to her in his career
3 If you need our products, please contact me in advance
第1个回答  2011-11-30
1, This is made of glass and it is worth 100 RMB at the most. 2,Mary is very ambitious, who eagerly looks forward to standing out among others at her work.


第2个回答  2011-12-02
4I need a truck driver and you are completely qualified.5Tom isnt familiar with that city, he hasn't been there before.6acquiring a foreign language is difficult, but one's efforts will be paid off.
第3个回答  2011-11-30
1..It is made of glass, it is worth at most 100 Yuan.
2..Mary is a woman full of ambition, she is eager to stand out as the best of her work.