

For many people, global warming seems far away from them, but this climate is deemed to change polar bears' behavior. Because human use a large number of fossil fuel which leads to the greenhouse effect, the glacier in North Pole is thawing. Reduce of the solid ice compels polar bears to stay in water for longer time.
Researchers confirm the influence of climate change on polar bears by monitor and tail their behavior. Researchers found that adult polar bears would carry baby polar bears on their back to the other side of the cold sea. It was the first time they have ever saw this behavior. Researchers thought that was because polar bears have to swim a longer distance for the ice in North Pole thaws in summer so that baby polar bears have to stay on mother's back. Baby polar bears could contact with mother's fur and put most part of their bodies far from the cold water by this way to reduce the loss of the calorie. This behavior is considerable crucial for cubs' survival as they have not enough fat to Resistance to cold when swimming for a long time.
Polar bears always hunt and breed on the ice surface. However, the ice area in North Pole is decreasing year by year. With the thawing of the ice in North Pole, swimming distance of polar bears may continue to increase, which cause danger to them.
As ordinary citizens, we should promoting low carbon life now to restrain the climate warming and make an effort on survival of polar bears.