

Erzsebet Bathory, also known as Elizabeth Bathory, is one of the most infamous figures in history. Her crimes caused her to become a legendary and feared figure. Even after the legends have been lifted her crimes still seem unimaginable.
Bathory was born in 1560 to a well-established family. Her family had produced many powerful people in her time, including the Kings of Transylvania and Poland. She was married off for political reasons to Count Ferencz Nadasdy. Before the marriage took place she became pregnant with a child from a peasant. She was taken away to a family castle under the excuse that she was sick. She had a daughter, which was given away. She began a practice of torturing servants and was introduced into the occult while her husband was away at battle. The fascination with torture began for her as she saw her family deal with political enemies.
After her husband's death her fears of growing old began to grow more and more. When striking a servant girl for combing her hair too hard some of her blood fell on her hand. She thought the blood made her skin look younger and become convinced that blood was the secret of eternal youth. She was also convinced that blood from virgin girls would be the most effective. The maid was murdered so that Erzsebet could bathe in her blood. From here her most notorious deeds began. The tortures the girls would be put through would last for weeks, months. They were then cut in several different ways to provide blood for Bathory to wash herself with. More than six hundred women died because of Erzsebet. These women ranged from peasants to members of the nobility.
Investigations on Erzsebet's activities began in 1610. Some claim that she was investigated not because of her crimes but because of the finances involved with her family. These investigations also came only after four noble women were found murdered. Laws forbade she be put to trial because of her royal standing. These laws were removed to deal with her. Erzsebet did not admit to the crimes but she was sent to a small, walled in, room in her castle. Only a small opening to provide food was allowed. She stayed four years in that room until her death in 1614. Many of her accomplices were also found guilty and put to death but Bathory avoided that punishment due to her status.
Sometimes it is easy to concentrate on her crimes and ignore Erzsebet herself. She was very beautiful and also very intelligent. In fact she used her intelligence as a tool to get more victims as she lured noble girls to her castle under the promise of an education. It is also interesting to look at the political actions involved in this story. There are several interests involved in the prosecution of Erzsebet Bathory. Most involve the family fortune she had control over and people wanting an excuse to take it. She had the potential as being remembered as one of the best members of the Bathory family but she wound up becoming the most infamous.

erzsebetbathory,又称伊丽莎白bathory,是世界上最臭名昭著的人物史. 她的罪行,使她成为一个传奇,害怕的数字. 即使在传说中已经取消了她的罪行,似乎还难以想象.
bathory生于1560一个历史悠久的家族. 她的家人取得了许多有力的人在她的时候,包括先王特兰西和波兰. 她嫁出去,以政治理由指望纳达斯第伦兹. 结婚前发生,她已经怀孕有孩子,从一个农民. 她被带到一家城堡下辩解说,她有病. 她有一个女儿,而被放弃. 她又开始了实践虐杀仆人和引进隐匿性,而她的丈夫被带走的仗. 魅力与酷刑开始为她,因为她看到她的家人对付政敌.
在丈夫死后,她害怕老去长出更多的合作. 当打了丫头,为她梳理头发太硬,她的一些血液落在她的手. 她心里的血,使她的皮肤看来年轻,成为深信血的秘密永恒的青春. 她还确信,血液从处女将是最有效的. 女佣被杀害,使erzsebet可以洗澡,在她的血液. 从这里,她最著名的事迹开始. 拷打的女孩,便要经过历时数周,数月. 他们后来被削减在几个不同的方式来提供血液bathory洗净自己. 超过600名妇女死于erzsebet. 这些妇女从农民到市民的贵族.
调查erzsebet的活动始于1610. 一些人声称,她的影响并不是因为她的罪行,但由于财政与她的家人. 这些调查也来到后,才四君子妇女被发现遇害. 法律禁止她付诸审判,因为她的皇室地位. 这些法律被拆除,以处理她. erzsebet不承认自己的罪行,但她被送到一个小壁,室,她的城堡. 只有一小启用提供食物被允许. 马郁四年,在该房间内,直到她去世于1614. 许多她的同伙也被裁定罪名成立,处以死刑,但bathory避免惩罚,因为她地位.
有时很容易专注于她的罪,而忽略erzsebet自理. 她很漂亮,也很聪明. 事实上,她以情报作为手段,使更多的受害者,因为她高贵的诱惑女孩,她城堡下的诺言的教育. 这一点也很有意思,看政治行动来参与这个故事. 有几个利益参与起诉erzsebetbathory. 最使家庭幸福,她的控制权,人民要的借口采取行动. 她的潜力被人们记住其中的最佳成员的bathory家庭,但她的伤口直至成为最不受欢迎的.
第1个回答  2007-07-13
17世纪初期,发生了一件骇人听闻的事,令迷信的匈牙利人异常震惊,那就是1611年巴托里(Erzsebet Bathory)伯爵夫人的诉讼案。伯爵夫人住在塞伊特(Csejthe)城堡建在一座丘陵顶上,位於喀尔巴阡山(Carpates)的匈牙利山区。她被控挟持了住在城堡附近村庄里的少女,并把这些可怜的女孩当成屠宰场里的动物般放血。据当时的编年史记载,受害者有80至300人,实际情况有300人。正如德.莱斯和“特普”弗拉德的例子一般,看不出这案件有任何超乎寻常的现象;没有人敢断定巴托里伯爵夫人是一具僵。但是所有的编年史都记载,伯爵夫人在喝受害者的血时非常快乐,甚至把血装满浴盆,用来淋浴,以永久保持自己的青春美貌。
Nadasdy)伯爵,向来以勇敢无畏着称,总是丢下她在外征战。伯爵夫人在家闲得无聊,得仆人托尔科(Thorko)怂恿,学会妖术,然后派人劫持一些农家少女,加以折磨。1600年,伯爵去世,伯爵夫人於是更肆无忌惮地胡作非为。助纣为虐的除了托尔科之外,还有她的奶妈尤奥(Ilona Joo)、官家乌依瓦里(Johannes Ujvary),以及一个名叫达尔维拉(Darvula)的女巫。

为了查个水落石出,1610年12月30日,伯爵夫人的表兄图尔索(Gyorgy Thurso)伯爵,率领一队士兵和骑兵包围城堡。在临攻破城堡的那一刻,堡里都还在进行着血腥残酷的杀戮。


第2个回答  2015-12-27
Countess Bathory from to the famous the Bathory family, is a secure Hungary from the Turks invaded the famous family, but she is also the history of murder the largest number of female serial killers, is named as "the Blood Countess", "Countess Dracula's" and "Chah season, bloody Mrs." title. She believes that people's blood can keep her young, she also has enough privilege to practice her superstition. About 650 people were believed to have been killed by the Elizabeth woman, whose blood was drunk by her, or used in a bath! However, history is always written by the victors. The countess is true or is framed also has long been submerged in the history, is not known. Ca Beh G J Csejte Countess Bathory to spend most of their adult lives in the castle. The castle is located near the achtice at that time the kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia).
第3个回答  2007-07-12