
1 Mary and Tom are going to move into a new house,so they have ordered some new____.
A pieces of furnitures B piece of furniture C furnitures D furniture
2 Don't be so noisy. Jimmy could not____ his lessons.
A concentrate on B focus C absorb D involve in
3 He fell off his bike yesterday,______. his leg was broken.
A first of all B in a way C above all D in other words
4 We are surprised at the_____ of waste air______greenhouse.
A effect , to B affect,to C effect,on D affect,on
5 Everyone should _____ on the modernization of our country.
A act as B play his part C take action D strive for
6 _____ of the workers has his own bench.
A each B every C other D all

1.D furniture是不可数名词,所以A、C排除了,至于B选项,piece应该为pieces才对。
2.A B中focus后也应该加一个on,C中absorb的用法应该为be absobed in,至于D的involve in,是参与,涉及的意思,与句意不符
3.D A是首先的意思,B的in a way是指在某种程度上,C为首先,毕竟的意思,D则是换言之,根据前半句,他从自行车上摔下来的意思,只有D最符合句意。
4.C 前一个空要填名词,affect是动词,所以排除;effect后面跟的介词固定是on,所以选C
5.C A和D后面的介词在句中是多余的,play one's part in,所以选B
6.A B和C用在句中不成立,剩下A和D,workers后面跟的是单数的has,所以选A
第1个回答  2011-08-02
1.是some pieces of furniture,furniture 是不可数名词用piece修饰,并且又有some,所以复数加在piece上
2.是concentrate on ,固定用法
4.选C,effect on 是名词用法的对什么有影响,affect 是动词,the 后面要用名词
5.选C,play sb part in,take action on ,意思是发挥作用
6.选A,意思是每个工人,each of 固定搭配