

A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last station before the frontier (边境). He carried a paper bag. And four feet of ducks could be seen under the cover. The man found an empty seat, put the bag in the middle of the floor, took out a newspaper and began to read. Then a policeman came in. Of course he saw the bag with ducks' legs at once and said, "Whose is that bag?" Nobody answered. The policeman repeated the question, and said, "I'll have to take it away from the owner. Food mustn't be taken out of the country." "Well, then," said the small man with a fat stomach. "Hurry up and take it. We want to go home." The policeman took the bag and went on to the next carriage.一个胖胖的小个子男人在边境前的最后一个站上了火车。他拿着一个纸袋。可以看到纸袋下面有四只鸭脚。那人找到一个空的座位,把袋子放在地板中央,拿出一张报纸开始看。这时一个警察进来了。当然,他马上看见袋子里有鸭腿,说:“那个袋子是谁的?”没有人回答。警察重复了这个问题,说:“我得把它从主人那里拿走。不能把食物带出这个国家。”“好吧,”小胖子说,“快点把它拿走。我们想回家。”警察接过袋子,继续走到下一节车厢。
At the next station, when they were safely across the frontier, the small man got up, smiled at the other passengers and said, "I hope they'll enjoy the ducks' feet. The rest in the bag was nothing but rubbish." Then he opened his coat and pointed to another bag he was carrying under it. It was tied tightly (紧紧地) over the stomach, which was not really fat. "The rest of the ducks is here," he said with a smile on his face. With these words, he got off the train. But while he was happily walking to the exit with the bag in his hands, a policeman came up to him, saying, "Hey, man! Foreign food mustn't be brought in."在下一站,当他们安全地穿过边境时,小个子站起来,对其他乘客微笑着说:“我希望他们能喜欢鸭子的脚。袋子里的其他东西只不过是垃圾而已”,然后他打开外套,指着他拿的另一个袋子。它被紧紧地绑在肚子上,那肚子并不是真的胖。“剩下的鸭子就在这里,”他脸上带着微笑说。说完这些话,他下了火车。但当他高兴地走到出口,手里拿着一个袋子时,一个警察走到他面前,说,“嘿,伙计!不能把外国食品带进来。”