


Do you think environment protection is more important than economic construction? Why?



[其乐无穷童]:environment protection is important than economic construction.the pollute is severity more than last.so we must take care of the earth first.

[ybl9604640]:economic is important,environment is important too

[zhaowc]:Both are important,but compatatively speaking, environmental protection is more important.Environment change is immune to any human attempt and it has its own regularities. No satisfying environment, no fit place for beings. If we are eager to develop economy regardless of environmental protection,then one day we shall no place to live in. At that time,economic development will lose its meaning. In short, we should balance the relationship between environmental protection and economic development and the former should be given priority whenever we make decisions.

[zhiyi2050can]:I think enviroment protection is more important than economic construction.It's esay incass healty bad that no environment protection.Why take ecnomic construction it no healty .environment is everyone live inline.

[mba2010]: In our country.because our country is a poor coutry in the world.we will the more poor unless we hardly in economic construction .So I think the economic construction is very important than enviroment protection .

[qjm_620]:I think the environment protection is more important than economic construction.Because when the environment was destroyed,as far as know, the climate will be changing more and more hot, the human wouldn't live in the earth,so the economic construction is just like a white paper! If the environment is very good ,people are very healthy ,the economic construction will be improved greatly!
So from now on ,we should protect the environment!

[LHM]:every thing is their opposition side,the both should marth synchronize.

[chysong0610]:actually,they are all very important now for us!

[flower]:I think enviroment protection is important than economic construction.

first,everyone must live on the earth.if the earth is polluted,if the earth do not suit to live on.where can we go?

second,the purpose of enconomic construction is developing our life.do you think you can bear a polluted world?

of course ,economic construction is also important.if it hve no harm to the earth,it is wondeful.

[亚亚]:In my opinion, protecting environment is a hard and long road for all the people on the earth . Study shows that as the fast growing of the groble economic,the quality of the enviroment becomes worse and worse ,such as souring rain,white pollution, wasting pollution, and so on,all of which are influte us closely. Furthermore if the environment too bad,who will responded for the whole hunman and our nature? So, when people developing the economic, please do not forget to protect our room of live,for me, economic and environment are both important.

[lzl574]:In my opinion,it is a very hard choice between environment protection and economic construction.Because china is one of many developing countries in the world,and the main purpose of our economic construction is to pull people out of poverty.If we only focus our minds on the development of economic,maybe for people,a lot of life substance is available,but the fact is when they are really out of the poverty morass as well as into the environmental swamp.so both of them are very important for us,a sustained development could be the best one.

[riemannfly]:I think the environment protection and economic construction are both important.existence has its own rationality.environment protection and economic construction are both indispensible just like our two hands.and could you say that the left hand is important than the right one? no. we could not say that,we could not only lose one of them but also protect them well.In a word, we should protect both of them.

[czgnuaa]:Personally,i think ,the more importance of environment protection and economic construction is different in different countries.As the developing countries ,economic construction is more urgently needed because ti is more significant practically for improving people's life level.When economy develops to some better stage ,government have enough economic capability to protect environment .Of course,that does not mean destroy the environment.at our will.Because destructive environment will bring awful climat and surroundings ,and those will affect our existance.In sum up,we all focus our time and energy on our economic construction while protect our environment positively.
chenzhiguo from nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics

[lixincathy]: Both are important, but environmental protection is more important than economic development to some point. Environmental protection is the basic and urgent task that whenever we, our human-being should firstly think of and carry out. Every kind of man’s activity is related closely to and basic on environment. If we blindly develop economy but are regardless of environmental protection, I have to firmly say but in my humble opinion, we destroy ourselves even by ourselves. Human live without balanced environment is equal to buildings stand without ground foundation, in short, man have no choice but to destroyed by themselves if pay little attention to environmental protection. All in all, firstly protect environment and then develop economy.

[yelianxiang]:Environment of course is more important than the economical development.It is the essential condition for our lives.If we concern the economical development only,and overlook the condition of our environment,what we will lose is not development,but happiness ,even our lives!

[shishi]:In my opinion the environment protection and Environment construction are both inportant.It only the Environment construction have a well develepment that we have money to put into the environment protection doesn`t it?but that doesn`t meant the Environment construction is first,the environment protection and Environment construction should at the same stept.because if the environment which you stay in is very bad ,do you have mood to work?I think the anser is "no",so in order to have a well work place that we should protect our Environment,certenly,that only one hand,that have any reason too!

[Maggiepotato]:I think environment protection is more important than economic construction.

Firstly, the environment protection is the base of the economic construction. We can't deal with any cases if we have no good environment. I have met a raining cats and dogs when I went to send some material to our companion. It's too big to drive on the road.Everybody can do nothing just wait.So I think no environment,no economy.

Secondly,the bad environment can destroy the economic construction.We often heard about hurricane that is so horrible that everybody is helpless. Hurricane can destroy everything that human being have constructed.

so I think we should pay much attention to the environment than economic construction.

[lucy86029]:the good environment is essential to us humenbeing,it is the basis that we have to rely on,some new words came out like "tsunami"is absolutely a disaster. we can't say it has nothing to do with the change of environment,anything we do to the environment it finally will feed back ,you forger the movie"the day after tomorrow"and"War of the Worlds " ?what we gonna to do if that happen though it is rather developed era,men seems nothing facing the nature,so ,protect the environment since it nursing us always like a unselfish mother,so show our love to the aging mother,shall we?

[king27223]:Both of two is signanty.The key is how can we make a balance beween with them. For the sake of factories making polluted enviroment ,we can't stop their growing. Inventing a way that change the pollution to healthy things, it may be corret to estabilish a developed society.So,goverment plays a pretty important role to coodinate enviroment protection with economic construction.Goverment can offer the skill to improve pollution companay,cut down tax to make effetive funtions to decrease pollution.Only we couldkeep tab on enviorment protection and economic construction, our future would be shining .

[yrrtang2004]:About the importance between environment protection and economic construction, i think the former is more important than the latter, the reasons as follows:

1)the good environment is the basic factor for human surviving;

2)Although economic construction can bring more convenience for human lives and take lots of changes, meanwhile it can have some side-effects, especially some unhealthy construction, those can influence the balance of nature and even harm people's life;

3)Now more and more people are aware of the importance of enironment protection, and take some effective measures, it mainly forcus on broadening the area of green plants, and in chemistry fields, experts are paying more attention to expoliting natural or less polluted products, especially in coating, water-bone coating is hot point, it can bring more healthy environment for human, At the same time, it doesn't influence the development of economic construction, such behaviour belongs to double interests.

Just standing for my personal viewpoints, my english name is amy, nice to meet you all!

[zypisme]:I think environment protection is more important. With the coming climate change, some of us have the feeling that something is happening beyond our control. If we can do something to stop humankind's disappearing from the planet, the time is now. We know what should be done and how it would be done, but we still do nothing. That will make the future historeans feel confused and pity.

[Sharon_1015];I think environment protection is more significant than economy construction.

With the rapid development of economy construction, we have gradually lost sight of our environment which is closely to all of us. As we know, the globe clime is becoming warmer and warmer which results lots of high frequency calamity around us, such as tsunami in Indonesia, earthquake in Japan, volcano in Italy and so on. It’s too catastrophic for us.

If our life can become more affluent in the influence of great economy improvement but in the cost of our health, who would like to try?!






[snoopy]:Environmental protection is more important! What good is more wealth if the air chokes and water is foul? Our econmic growth's spectacle is at the expense of damaging the environment.I think everybody should be aware of its seriousness,thus to heal our earth .

[Francium]:I guess both of them are equally important. The question itself is misleading, because it assumes that economic development is at the cost of environmental degradation, which is a wrong assumption under a well managed system. A well balanced environment is to improve the living standard of people by improving their surroundings, while economic development is to increase their economic well being, rendering them the ability to afford more goods and services. Therefore, both of them have a common goal. The problem is not to identify a more important one, but to find the appropriate equation to link the two.

[秦慧娜]:It is undoudtly that in my opinion environmental protection is prior to ecnomic construction as a result of no good environment may mean no life,but no good economy can mean not,which means that good enviroment can make us live ,but good economy can just improve our life,now it is your turn to measure the imporance.thus,everyone lives in this planet should get together hand in hand to protect our sole earth.Besides,may god bless us good luck to live longer in the world.

[loveme]:We and our globe have cost too much for the ecnomic development, especially the latter. She has been eatting a large amount of sewage and garbage and inspirring plenty of gaseous waste produced by us every day since the last century, and now she cannot bear this heavyload and nearly at its last gasp. Conseqently, there are lots of challenging contradiction and detriment we must face, such as the melt of the glacier in polar regions, the green house effect,the hole of the ozone layer, the occuring of the new pathogenic microorganisms and frightfulness diseases, and hundreds of species have disappeared. It can be ceen that it is time to for us pay more attention to the envionment protection and balance the ecologic environment and the economic development.

[loveme]:Our globe has cost too much for our ecnomic development. She has been eatting a large amount of sewage and garbage and inspirring plenty of gaseous waste every day since the last century, and now she cannot bear this heavyload and nearly at its last gasp. Conseqently, there are lots of challenging detriments we must face, such as the melt of the glacier in polar regions, the green house effect,the occuring of the new pathogenic microorganisms and frightfulness diseases, and hundreds of species have disappeared. It can be ceen that it is time to pay more attention to the predicament and balance the ecologic environment and the economic development.

[Dinn]:As far as the future is concerned, we should attach much more importance to the economic construction than to environment portection. With the furtur pollotion of the environment, we are doomed to suffer from all kinds of disasters, such as flood, drought, acid rain, sand storm and so on. The suffering would keep us from the normal life not to say the economic construciton.?The economic enviroment is second to none.

[zypisme]:As the weather gradually unmoors from its normal patterns, we will have no choice but to realize that the global warming is upon us. Nobody will ring a bell to announce the coming of climate change which signifies the point of no return. But the extreme weather is not only affecting realm of weather, but also other aspects including economy. The cost of daily life will be more expensive and the infectious desease will thrive and middle class savings found their money and comforts stripped away. we may condescend about the past civilizations who suffered the apocalypse since they have no science and techonology that enable us to determine the destiny. We do know what we know, but we did nothing. That will make the future historians scratching their head.

[myqiu1986]:In my opinion, both are very important,we should attach primary importance to environment protection and economic construction .I don't think both are contrvercy ,maybe in our country construction we should develop local economic fully on condition that we must make sure our envrionment is not damaged .I believe our country can do this well,we can not abandon either of them

[kennyqin]:No doubt that environment protection is more important than the developing of the economic.With the developing of the world,human's activity get more and more extensively what results in so much earth are occupied for factory,residential area,entertainment place...The forest and the grassland are turn to be less lead to many species are in danger of disappearing,even perdition these years.With the destroy of humen's movement, the temperature of the earth rises up quickly with much natural disaster of climate happened.It is said that NewYork and ShangHai will be in Water if we will not control the temperature's rising of the world as the ice in the role polar region is thawing.

It is terrible that someday there is only human on the lonely earth...

[fzc1dcg]: I think they are all important!But the environment protection is related to our life's quality.So we should take care of the economic constraction.

[蔚蓝天空]:Both are important,but environment protection is more important .Economic construction can not be very well if we do not care for environment. We create so much treasure in order to live more comfortable,not to destory our own home---earth

[zsmzh]:As the 2008 Olympic Games is coming near and near,shall we do something that we can easily do? I think the environmental protection is very important.We only have one earth,if we break it without any protection ,maybe someday there will be no animals and plants in the world .Human would have no friends ,that would be a serious thing .

[realist]:As everyone can see,without surroundings or the environment,evreything will disappear or be destroyed.We should regard them as skin and hair,the environment like the skin, while economy the hair.So,economy grows out of the environment.Recently, I am reading an English fiction novel,which try to deal with the globle warming problem.Many, many of us and foreigners are worried about the environment pollution.Therefore,we must stress on enviorment protection with more attention.


第1个回答  2007-10-03
In modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we is not clean as before. So many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it.

As we all know, the environment pollution is more and more serious during these years, what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually.

As to government pollution, as to common people. We also try to protect it and make it remain clean.

Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.

The phoenix Mountain is a place of interest. Every day, it welcome a great many visitors. Years ago, a few people didn`t care about environment protection there. For example, waste paper, plastic bags and tins carelessly disposed could be seen everywhere. A few visitors not only killed animals, caught birds, but also picked up flowers and dug trees. What`s more, some of them set fire for cooking in the woods.
People showed a real concern over the problem . And fortunately, measures have been taken to deal with the problem. As a result, the environment there has changed. For example, the visitors take away their rubbish. They do not hunt any more. Besides, people protect trees and all kinds of plants. Futhermore, all the tourists bring their food for lnch by themselves in order not to cause fire.
Now ,it is more beautiful than before. We must sing high praise for the good deeds.

man and environment
the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. bird flu and sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life. besides, forest destruction , water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.

serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. first of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of “sustainable development”, and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been doing.

what' s more, every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment. in addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.

2.The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-10-03
Environment Protection and Economic Development

1.Environment protection and economic development mutually improve, effect on each other, and they depend on each other for existence as well.
2.The self-contradict relation of environment protection and economic development is full of changing and movement.
3.If the environment has not been protected, the development cannot keep on. Without development, the environment protection has no conditions.
4.Achieve the persistent development by developing material production and improve people’s spirit state.

Environment Protection and Economic Development

We all know that both environment protection and economic development are important. How to cope with the relationship between environment protection and economic development is a big problem to the whole human society. Let’s find the inside relationship between them.
The self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development is the decisive element which keeps the society developing persistent. In our country, economic development makes great pressure to the environment and the pollution limits the development of social economic. The strategy of persistent development is the key-way to solve the problem.
It has an important realistic meaning to make an analysis about the self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development. The self-contradict movement is the original power which drives all the things to develop. In fact the relation of environment protection and economic development basely is the relation of human being and nature.
第3个回答  2007-10-14
Environment protection and economic development mutually improve, effect on each other, and they depend on each other for existence as wel
第4个回答  2007-10-03
very hard