

Topic: Color

My favorite color is blue. In the English language, blue often represents sadness, for example, “He was feeling blue”. For me blue represents happiness and optimism. In Western countries, blue represents the male gender, I couldn’t care less. Blue color gives me a good feeling. I like the color blue very much.

Topic: Food

Do you know that in northern China, it is a tradition for families to spend New Year’s Eve preparing jiaozi, also known as dumplings? Families start eating the dumplings after midnight. One lucky family member may bite into something hard and discover a gold coin inside their dumpling. I like dumplings because of their distinctive taste and texture.

Topic: 服装 Jeans

There are many kinds of clothes. There are T-shirts, jeans, sweaters and so on, but I like wearing jeans the best. I like wearing jeans because they’re comfortable and durable. The first pair of jeans was made by two Americans, Jacob David and Levi Strauss, in 1923. who designed a special way to make strong clothing for workmen. They are blue. You know that their legend lives on when you see a Levis shop in a department store.

Topic: Weather

There are many kinds of weather. There are sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, and so on. I like sunny weather most. I can do a lot of things in a sunny day. I can enjoy outdoor activities, such as playing football and basketball. I can go to the beach and swim in the sea, too. Though sunny day is hot, I still like it very much. It gives me a good reason to eat ice cream.

Topic: Recreational Activities

We do recreational activities for fun and enjoyment. Reading, playing or listening to music and sports are a few examples. For me one recreational activity I enjoyed best is walking in the beach. The sound of the rushing waves doesn’t scare me, instead it reminds me of the power of nature. When I look at the horizon, I feel small, like a tiny seashell/pebble in the beach. And finally, the breathtaking setting sun is just a perfect way to end a perfect day in the beach.

Topic: Time

Time is so precious that cannot be bought. Whether you are rich or poor, each person is given twenty four hours a day equally. Time is limited since a day is 24 hours no more no less. The famous writer Lu Xun once said – Time is the essence of life. Wasting time is wasting life. Do our tasks earnestly and do not waste other people’s time.

Topic: Animals (Pandas)

The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China. Most pandas live in Sichuan province. Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches around eyes, ears and across its round body. Pandas are China’s national treasures. They’re among the world’s most adored and protected animals. Pandas are the star attractions in the Beijing Zoo. Experts say that despite their sweet public image, pandas are capable of attacking humans, especially if they feel threatened.

Topic: Number

Numbers are amazing. For me, I like the number ten. Zero is the additive identity, meaning to say, any number added to zero is the number itself, while one is the multiplicative identity, which means any number multiplied by one is the number itself. One and zero put together is ten. In sports, a score of ten makes a perfect score. I guess my favorite number, which is ten, makes me want to work harder & strive for perfection.

Topic: Plants

Plants consist of leaves, stem and roots. Each of them plays a very important role. Leaves make the food of the plant through the process called photosynthesis. Flowers are the reproductive parts of the plant. Stems support the upper parts of plants and they carry food from the leaves down to the roots. Roots hold the plant in the soil.

Topic: Plants
Humans depend on plant life; without it, we would all die. Plants like rice and corn provide food for us. Plants like cotton are used to make clothes. Wood is used for creating houses and furniture. Without plants, all life forms cannot survive.

Topic: Body

Do you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body? The heart beats 100 thousand times a day. Our lungs are like a magician; they take in oxygen while giving off carbon dioxide. Our brain makes us think. Look I can see the beautiful flowers with my eyes. I can hear the singing birds with my ears. I can smell the roses with my nose. I can sing a beautiful song with my mouth. I can feel the warmth of the summer breeze with my skin.
第1个回答  2012-01-18