小学英语作文:我的时间表(My Time table)


My Time Table

I have a busy schedule every day. Here is my time table:

6:30 AM: I wake up and get ready for school.

7:00 AM: I have breakfast with my family.

7:30 AM: I leave for school.

8:00 AM: My first class begins. We usually have English or Math in the morning.

10:00 AM: I have a short break. I use this time to visit the restroom and have a snack.

10:15 AM: I attend my second class of the day. It is usually a science or social studies class.

12:00 PM: Lunchtime! I eat lunch with my classmates in the school cafeteria.

1:00 PM: After lunch, I have my third class of the day. We usually have art, music, or PE in the afternoon.

2:00 PM: I have another short break. I use this time to stretch, talk to my friends, or read a book.

2:15 PM: I attend my fourth and final class of the day. It is usually a language or history class.

3:30 PM: School is over! I return home and spend some time playing with my younger sister.

4:30 PM: I attend after-school classes. I take piano lessons and practice my swimming skills.

6:30 PM: I return home and have dinner with my family.

7:30 PM: I spend some time studying, doing homework, and reading.

9:00 PM: I prepare for bed and go to sleep.

That's a typical day in my life. I enjoy my busy routine and always make sure to allocate time for my hobbies and family as well.
第1个回答  2022-07-21
  Look! This is my timetable.

  It's 6:05. It's time to get up.

  It's 6:40. It's time for breakfast.

  It's 7:05. It's time to go to school.

  It's 11:20. It's time to go home.

  It's 12:00. It's time for lunch.

  It's 1:35. It's time to go to school.

  It's 5:15. It's time to go home.

  It's 6:00. It's time for dinner.

  It's 8:00. It's time to go to bed.