




斯朵尼亚是德国作家Johann Wilhelm Meinhold的小说《女巫斯朵尼亚》的主人公。斯朵尼亚是个美丽而邪恶的贵妇。

奥菲丽亚 米莱斯 油画
题材取于莎士比亚的<哈姆雷特>.哈姆雷特的恋人奥菲丽亚是残酷的宫廷复仇的牺牲品.她的父亲因参与阴谋被哈姆雷特所杀,而她深爱的王子哈姆雷特又被迫远走他乡.在连连的打击下,这个可怜的姑娘发疯了,她整天唱着歌游荡在田野上,最后落水而死。作者刻画了悲剧中一 个平静的超脱的场面.描绘了人间最美丽的景色,她仰卧在水面上,美丽而圣洁的脸上露出无忧无虑和超然的平静,她终于摆脱了这个罪恶 的尘世,结束了无尽的苦难,飘向了天国.

The Princess Sabra Led to the Dragon 赛博拉公主离家
Painting Date: 1866

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"Newspaper Good news" (1849-1850 years) the angel adds hundred advantages to present the god dispatching, arrives at Virgin mother's front to send regards that ("the Road Canada Gospel" the first chapter, 29th) in the picture the angel and Maria wear the white clothing, the angel hand-hold lily, the opening window fly the pigeon. This originally is the religious drawing theme which most sees, but its white one instead formerly was similar the theme for the main tuning simple pure picture the style.

"before Post ni Lotus Empress" is “Raphael, sends” the painter Morris's work. May see from the extremely rich romantic breath's cosmetic color, although the painter has not been separated from the classical picture wind completely the influence, but had the rich romantic characteristic. Draws the wind to be practical, but the richer life breath, local environment's description is very lifelike, the deep color background serves as contrast empress the slender carriage, the indoor warm picture contrast, causes her obviously melancholy. The picture take black, white, red tricolor as a main tuning, causes all varicolored to belong to the order, thus has the strong visual esthetic sense.

The apple flower is in full bloom - the author to intend to with this picture work explains the life short and the youth and beautiful appearance Yi Shi. Right picture sickle suggestion harvest, also implied that the life passes the time and the inevitable death threat. The bright spring scenery, the lovable character, the decadent female's free of evil intention facial expression, this all constitutes pleasant atmosphere by that towering sickle destruction, but also therefore strengthened the impulse.

Saint Egger Nice eve is similar to the black-and-white photograph, the monochrome painting often can cause the human to be affected. This work is also this, the single color creates the mystical lonesome and quiet atmosphere. Makes one look when does not prohibit butchering of animals the breath.

Si Niya is the German writer Johann Wilhelm Meinhold novel "Sorceress Si Niya" leading character. Si Niya is beautiful and the evil woman of quality. Byrne - Jones writing Si Duo Niya is beautiful and is arrogant. Chart China and Sri Lanka Niya as if is planning the new plot, the gold thread establishment hairnet ties her long hair, on the long skirt the intriguing pattern is symbolizing her plot, the picture background neutrality this plot sacrificial victim.

Offie Li Asian Milles oil painting The theme takes in Shakespeare. Hamlet's lover Offie the Li Asia is the brutal palace revenge sacrificial victim. Because her father the participation plot is killed by Hamlet, but her deep love's Prince Hamlet is compelled to recede another region. Under the repetitive attack, this pitiful girl has gone crazy, she sings all day loafs in the field, finally falls in the water dies. The author has portrayed in the tragedy a tranquil unique scene. Described the world most beautiful scenery, she lies supine on the water surface, beautiful and on the holy face reveals carefree and the aloof tranquility, she got rid of this evil this mortal world finally, has ended the inexhaustible misery, fluttered has approached the heaven.

Princess The Princess Sabra Led to the Dragon match Borah leaves home Painting Date: 1866 this is Byrne - Jones “the saint george and the dragon” in series one. “the saint george and the dragon” are the outmoded heroic story: Offers a young girl every year for the national security for the wicked dragon, is one's turn when princess takes the sacrificial offering, the heroic saint george appears, has killed the wicked dragon. the work describes the scene which Princess Sabra leaves home, she will be given to as the sacrificial offering the wicked dragon. the picture only disperses the light melancholy, quite some “is sad but not overly distressing” meaning, before this is also Raphael, sends the fine arts the characteristic.