
differences between people within any given nation or culture are much greater than differences between groups. Education , social standing, teligion, peraonality, belidf structure, past experience, affedtion shown in the home, and a myriad of other factors will affedt human behavior and culture.
there are cultural and idwological differences and it is good to have an underdtanding about a culture's customs and ways. Aaron Pun, a Canadian ODCnet correspondent, wrote:"In studying cross-cultural differences, we are not looking at indiveduals but a comparison of one ethinc group against others. Hence, we are comparing two bell curves and generalizations cannot be avoided."Another correspondent explained the human need to categorize. True, but the danger comes when we act on some of htese generalizations, especially when they eye contact, personal space, touch, and interest in participation can have serious negative consequences.翻译成中文是什么?

在这种差异中存在着文化差异和意识形态上的差异,这就需要对一种文化的风俗习惯有所了解。Aaron Pun 是一位加拿大ODCnet的记者,他曾经说过:"在学习跨文化差异时,我们研究的不是个人,而是一个民族和另一个民族间的差异。所以,我们是在做两条曲线的比较,因而在所难免的会对他们进行概括。" 另一位记者说人类总是倾向于归类。没错,但是当我们以这种概括性的理念对他们进行归类时就会产生一定的危险,尤其在眼神交流,私人空间,触摸,以及参与精神等方面会产生非常负面的影响。。
第1个回答  2010-06-05