

1.Must you always question everything I say? 我说什么你都非要提出质疑吗?
2.Why must she inter-rupt?她为什么非要插嘴?
3..Must you always run when the pressure gets too much? 难道压力一大你就非要逃开吗?
4.Why must you do everything as if you have to win? 你为什么做每件事情都跟你非要赢似的?
5.Must I go now?我现在可以走了吗?
6. Cars must not park in front of the entrance 车辆不得停在入口处.
7.You must not do it.你不可以做那件事
8.You mustn’t leave the gate open.你一定不要让大门敞开着.
9.Passengers must not smoke until the signs have been switched off.指示灯未熄灭之前乘客不许抽烟.
10.You mustn't say things like that. 你千万别说那样的话.
第1个回答  2023-06-23


    Must I attend the meeting tomorrow?

    Must you leave right now?

    Must we complete the project by the end of the day?

    Must they finish all the homework tonight?

    Must she bring her own laptop to the workshop?


    I must not forget to turn off the lights before leaving.

    You must not talk during the movie.

    We must not waste food.

    They must not enter the restricted area.

    She must not use her phone while driving.
