在三年前 ,我努力学习,养成了良好的学习情况,而且乐于帮助同学英语也怎么翻译?



主从复合句:I studied hazard three years ago when I formed a good study habit and was always ready to help my classmates.

几个简单句:Three years ago, I studied hard. I formed a good study habit. I was always ready to help my classmates.

第1个回答  2021-04-15
1. 英语翻译: For the past three years, I have been working hard and fallen into good learning habits. And I'm always ready to help others.
2. 译文解析:
① 准确理解原文是做好翻译的第一步。原文中“三年前”并非对应英文的three years ago,而是说从过去开始到现在截止的三年时间,它对现在造成了某种影响,即持续努力学习而且学习习惯良好。这也提示原句应该用现在完成时,而不是一般过去时。②其次,对照原文选用强恰当的句子结构,例如并列的谓语部分,work hard,fall into good habits,be ready to help others。③ 最后应该对草拟的译文进行修改润色,确保正确、流畅、地道,符合目的语(这里是英文)的习惯表达法。这里主要是把并列谓语过多的长句拆分为两个句子。经过以上三步,译文总体质量一般不会太差。
3. 例句:
① 消息好得令人难以置信。The news is too good to be true.
② 只有好好锻炼身体,你才能够保持身体健康。Exercise helps make our body healthy and strong.
第2个回答  2021-04-15
Three years ago I studied hard so that I has a good habit of studying ,and am willing to help my
classmates with English.
第3个回答  2021-04-15
I have been working hard and developed a good habit to study since three
years ago. and l am always ready to
help others.
第4个回答  2021-04-15