

1、Coca Cola announced the wholly-owned acquisition to Costa Coffee for 3.9 billion pounds.可口可乐宣布将以39亿英镑全资收购Costa咖啡。
2、Please give me a glass of iced cola.请给我一杯加冰的可乐。
3、Iced cola is a must-have to cool off in summer.冰可乐是消暑的必备饮料。
4、I'd like a can of cola.我要一罐可乐。
5、In many developing countries, drinking Coca Cola is a status symbol.在很多发展中国家,喝可口可乐是地位的象征。
6、The Coca Cola spokesperson acknowledged that the factories had made a mistake.可口可乐发言人承认工厂犯了一个错误。
7、She brought a 2-liter bottle of Cola to the party.她带来了一瓶2升可乐来聚会。
8、The study links sugary drinks like Coca Cola and lemonade to obesity, a known cause of cancer.该研究发现,可口可乐和柠檬汁等含糖饮料会导致肥胖,而肥胖是一种已知的致癌原因。