



文化的英语:culture; civilization;
文化的定义: 笼统地说,文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物,同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。确切地说,文化是凝结在物质之中又游离于物质之外的,能够被传承的国家或民族的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等,是人类之间进行交流的普遍认可的一种能够传承的意识形态。
第1个回答  2010-06-13
In ancient times the underdeveloped because of traffic, the East-West cultural differences are more significant than even the territory bordering the two countries: China and India have each had their own civilization and move towards the direction. 古印度地区是世界四大文明古国的发祥地之一,千百年来李静无数朝代和岁月的变迁,有着深厚的文化沉淀和底蕴。 Ancient Indian region is the birthplace of one of the world's four ancient civilizations thousands of years, Li Ching dynasty and the years many changes have profound cultural deposits and details. 古印度处在东亚和中亚的交界处,紧邻印度洋,地域的特殊性也使得其成为了文化交融的地方。 In ancient India, the junction of East and Central Asia, close to the Indian Ocean, the geographical specificity has made it a place of cultural fusion.

现在的印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉国在以前一直是一个国家。 Now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in the past has always been a country. 直到上个世纪五十年代才开始分裂为巴基斯坦和印度,之后的七十年代巴基斯坦又分裂为孟加拉国和孟加拉国。 Until the fifties of last century began to split into Pakistan and India, after 70 years it split into Bangladesh in Pakistan and Bangladesh. 印度国内宗教主要以印度教为主,也有一部分把穆斯林。 Mainly Hindu India-based religion, but also some of the Muslims. 长久以来这两个教派之间冲突不断,我们时常可以在电视上看到一些因为教派矛盾而产生的流血冲突,这种暴力的行为,令人非常遗憾。 Long conflict between the two sects, we can often see on television a number of conflicts arising because of sectarian bloodshed, this violence, it is very regrettable.

印度是世界第二大人口大国,有着丰富的劳动力资源和能源。 India is the world's second largest populous country, has abundant labor resources and energy. 同时,过多的人口也给印度带来了很多麻烦:医疗,教育,贫富差距等矛盾日益明显。 Meanwhile, too many people have brought to India a lot of trouble: health care, education, and so has become an increasingly obvious gap between the rich and the poor. 就如XX给我们看的明信片中的一些图片:一个双眼通红的残疾乞讨者,贫民区街口水管边的孩子。 XX to us as some of the picture postcard: a red eyes disabled beggars, slum blocks water side of the child. 这些图片都凸显了现代印度发展中所面临的问题,也体现出古印度文化和当代印度文化在现代的一些冲突。 These pictures have highlighted the development of modern India, the problems faced, also reflects the ancient Indian culture and contemporary Indian culture in some of the modern conflict.
第2个回答  2010-06-12
At the time of anciently because transportation not prosper, the square and cultural difference in thing compares to show the , even connect two nations that the area of connect :China is all each to self product to born the civilization and dynasty with India each from of direction development.The ancient the region of India is one of the place of origin of the ancient country in four greatest civilizations in world, thousand a hundred yearses the numerous dynasty in Lee's changes with the years, having got the deep culture precipitate with the bottom .Ancient India is placed in East Asia with hand over the boundary Central Asia, tight the Indian Ocean of 邻 , the special of the region also makes its become the culture hand over the place that melt.

India of now, Pakistan, Bengalese country at have been a nation before.Just start splitting into the Pakistan till 50's of last century with India, after of the 70's splits into the Bangladesh country again Pakistan with Bengalese country.The local religion in India is main to regard Hinduism as principle, also having a part the wood of .For long time these two religious sections conflicts continuously, we can often see on TV the some produces bloodshed to conflict because the religious section is self-contradict, this kind of violence behavior, make the person very sorry.

India is a world the second adult a big country, have got the abundant labor force resources with the energy.At the same time, the excessive population also brought India a lot of troublesome:Medical treatment, education, the gap between rich and poor etc. is self-contradict increasingly obviously.If the some picture of the postcard inside that XX see us:An an eyes is red and disable and sick to beg, the slum area street saliva takes care of the child of the side.These pictureses highlighted modern India the problem faced in development, and also appear the ancient the culture of India with the contemporary the culture of India at a little bit modern conflict.
第3个回答  2010-06-08
In ancient times the underdeveloped because of traffic, the East-West cultural differences are more significant than even the territory bordering the two countries: China and India have each had their own civilization and move towards the direction. Ancient Indian region is the birthplace of one of the world's four ancient civilizations thousands of years, Li Ching dynasty and the years many changes have profound cultural deposits and details. In ancient India, the junction of East and Central Asia, close to the Indian Ocean, the geographical specificity has made it a place of cultural fusion.

Now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in the past has always been a country. Until the fifties of last century began to split into Pakistan and India, after 70 years Pakistan has divided Bangladesh and Bangladesh. Mainly Hindu India-based religion, but also some of the Muslims. Long conflict between the two sects, we can often see on television a number of conflicts arising because of sectarian bloodshed, this violence, it is very regrettable.

India is the world's second largest populous country, has abundant labor resources and energy. Meanwhile, too many people have brought to India a lot of trouble: health care, education, and so has become an increasingly obvious gap between the rich and the poor. XX to us as some of the picture postcard: a red eyes disabled beggars, slum blocks water side of the child. These pictures are highlighted in the face of modern India's development of Wen Ti, also reflects and paleo Indian culture and contemporary culture in modern India's Yixiechongtu
第4个回答  2010-06-08
In ancient time due to traffic, differences between eastern and western culture, even two countries bordering the territory of China and India: each produced civilization and toward the direction of their development. Ancient India area is the birthplace of the four ancient civilizations, one of the many thousands of years and years of jing dynasty changes, with profound cultural foundation and precipitation. Ancient India in east and central Asia at the junction of the Indian Ocean, regional, close to the particularity of also makes for cultural exchange.

Now of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, a country has been in the past. Until the last century began split in the 1950s to Pakistan and India, Pakistan after 1970s and divided into Bangladesh and Bangladesh. India's domestic religious mainly Hindu is given priority to, also part of the muslims. For a long time the two sectarian conflicts, we often can see on TV because some and sectarian bloodshed, this kind of violent behavior, is very regretful.

India is the world's second-largest population powers, having rich labor resources and energy. At the same time, much of the population has brought us a lot of trouble to India, education, medical rich-poor gap has become increasingly apparent contradictions. As we look to the postcard XX in some pictures: a red eyes, slum street beggars blemish on the edge of the pipe. These pictures are highlighted the modern India developing problems facing, also reflected in ancient India culture and contemporary India culture in modern some conflict.