

1. A: How many birds can you see? 你能看到多少只鸟?
2. A: How are you ? 你身体怎样?
3. A: What’s the matter,Amy? 艾米,怎么了?
4. A: Is he quiet ? 他很文静吗?
5. A: Are these tomatoes? 这些是西红柿吗?
6. A: How many cakes ? 蛋糕多少?
7. A: Is she in the study? 她在书房吗?
8. A: Is there a river ? 那儿有条河吗?
9. ---What’s your favorite subject?
10. How many crayons do you have? 你有多少蜡笔?
11. A: Are there any houses ? 那儿有些房子吗?
12. A: Can you do housework? 你能做家务吗?
13. ---Shall we go to the safari park? ---Yes, I’m interested in jungle life
14. A: Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿?
15. A: Do you have a library? 你们有图书馆吗?
16. Where are you going this afternoon? 今天下午你要去哪里? I’m going to the bookstore. 我要去书店。
17. A: Excuse me ,Amy . Can I use your pencil?
18. A: Do you like peaches ? 你喜欢桃子吗?
19. A: Is that the art room? 那是美术教室吗?
20. A: How old are you ? 你多大?