各位英语高手帮我翻译一段话 有奖励

Hello everyone:
My name is Wang Yu qi. I'm twelve years old. I'm a student of Hui Long Qiao Primary School. I'm in Class two Grade five. I like eating delicious food, like ice creams and cakes. And I like animals very much. Today I want to bring you a speech about dolphins.
Of all the animals on earth., man is the cleverest. Other animals can also think ,but the best thinker is the dolphins. Dolphins are members of the whale family which are not fish. Dolphins have been a friend to sailors for hundreds of years. It swam alongside ships in the past and still likes to do the same today. It swims very fast when following ships.
In many countries dolphins are kept in pools and are trained to do tricks. They love playing with people and do not seem to care if people ride on their backs. Some have even been taught to play water polo.
Scientists have found that dolphins talk to each other, but so far nobody can tell what they are talk about. One day in the future, we might know what they are saying about us. It is only in the last few years that people have learnt something that dolphins have always been doing. By sending out sounds which bounce back like echoes, a dolphin can tell if a rock or a fish lies ahead of it in the water! So today we have the echo-sounders that work for us in much the same way that can be out at sea. See, how amazing the dolphins are! But today many dolphins are caught at sea, less and less dolphins could be seen. I think we should stop catching dolphins and let them live happily as before. Then we may find out one day when we are far out at sea, some dolphins are swimming next to our ships and could be friend forerer.
