什么是绘画主义摄影 ?


盛行于20世纪初摄影领域的一种艺术流派,发端于19世纪中叶的英国.第一个绘画主义摄影家是英国画家希路(1802—1870),他擅长人像摄影,其作品结构严谨,造型优美.绘画主义摄影家追求作品的情感、意境和形式美,强调摄影家的艺术修养,认为要使摄影在艺术上有地位,摄影家就必须首先培养起审美的能力和充实的艺术修养.这一流派的历史功绩是把摄影从机械地摹写对象引导到造型艺术领域中去,促使了摄影艺术的发展.主要的摄影家和作品有:普莱斯的《男爵之宴》、罗宾森的《当一天工作完了的时候》、雷兰德的《两种生活方式》、金马伦夫人的《汤姆士卡莱尔》、尼达的《弥留之际的嚣俄》等.大多数作品都脱离现实生活,常预先打好草图,然后利用模特儿、道具,安排场面拍摄,以追求绘画效果.随着摄影器材的日益改善,人们的审美趣昧的变化,受到“自然主义”冲击.绘画主义摄影在摄影艺术发展史上有一定的地位,至今仍有一定影响. Prevalent in the early 20th century photography of an artistic genre, originated in the mid-19th century Britain. The first painting is a British painter, photographer doctrine Greek Road (1802-1870), who specializes in portrait photography and his work structured and elegant . painting works of Marxism photographers pursuing emotion, mood, and formal beauty, emphasizing the art of cultivation of photographers that make standing in art photography, photographers must first develop the capacity and enrich the aesthetic from the artistic culture. This the historical achievements of schools is to photography to depict the object from the mechanical guide to the plastic arts areas as well, prompting the development of photography. The major photographers and their works are: Price, the "Baron's Feast," Robinson's "When the day of When the work finished, "Leland's" two ways of life, "Ms. Jin Malun's" Tom Shikalaier ", Nida's" dying of the clamor Russia "and so on. most of the works are detached from real life, often pre - fight sketches, and then using models, props, arrange filming the scene in pursuit of paintings. With the increasing improvement of photographic equipment, people ignorant of the changes in the aesthetic interest by the "natural-ism" impact. drawing photography art photography in the development of Marxism in the history of a certain status, there are still a certain extent.
第1个回答  2014-04-25
第2个回答  2014-04-25
摄影绘画主义流派在摄影艺术学中,可分为广义和狭意两类。 广义言,狭义言。