

Narrator (N): Oh, come here little girl, tell me, do you want to become a woman as brave as Mulan?
Kid (K): Mulan? But who is Mulan?
N: Oh? You don’t know Mulan? Then do you want to listen to the story about the brave women, Hua Mulan?
K: Sure! Tell me, tell me~ Please~~
N: OK ok~~ Long long ago……
K: Must every story begin with a “long long ago”?
N: No, it needn’t, but this story really happened in ancient China……

Scene I
( 战争中李翔之父与胡人首领正在进行殊死搏斗)
General Li (G): Go back to your land! This land doesn't belong to you. It’s ours!
Head of Hu (H): Yours? (回头对兵,由甲乙丙客串) Hey, he said it’s their land! (兵大笑) We just want to get our land back!
G: Go to HELL!
H: Hahaha~ Poor man, you’re dying, you know? Fire! Kill them all!!!
G: Ah~~~~(受重伤) My son, Li Xiang, will kill you himself! (死)

K: So, the general died, finally?
N: Yes.
K: But I still can’t understand why this story is about Mulan but not the General or his son?
N: Don’t worry~ just listen to me. Since the general died, the army was in a very bad condition, so the empire of China decided to recruit soldiers.

Scene II
Father (F): En~~ good good~ my daughter is doing just the right thing! Mulan, time for lunch~ have a rest!
Mulan (M): (继续打瞌睡) Zzzzz……
F: Mulan~ Mu… (发现木兰在打瞌睡) Mulan!!!
M: (被惊醒) Oh dad? Look I’m doing embroidery~ (低头胡乱绣两针)
F: And this is your work? (拿起木兰手里的东西,两人定格)

N: This girl is Mulan, the heroine of the story.
K: But it seems that she’s not good at doing girl’s stuffs.
N: Actually, she’s much braver than you think.

Leader of Soldier (L): Ouch! Hey, be careful! Is this the Hua family? This is the imperial edict. Your family must send a male to the battlefield to protect our motherland! (下场)
F: What?
M: Dad, What’s an imperial edict? You look so pale, are you OK? What’s up?
F: Nothing. (背对木兰) Oh, what shall I do? I really want to go to the battlefield to protect my motherland, but I’m too old to fight! And my son is too young. He’s even too weak to hold a sword!
M: (假装有什么东西) Oh what’s that?
F: (上当) What?
M: (强过圣旨,看) What? (声音颤抖着) My father is dying. He’s too old to go to the war! But My brother is too young (指着道具洋娃娃). What can I do?
Passer-by A B C(路人甲乙丙): What can she do?

K: What can she do?
N: If you were Mulan, what will you do?
K: Me? I don’t know…
N: Why not go to the army instead of your father?

M:(听到画外音) What? But I’m a lady! I can’t go to the army!
Passer-by A: Why not! You look like a man~
M: (气愤地) What do you mean? Wait. After all, it’s the only way to save my dad!

K: Do you mean Mulan go to the army instead of her daddy?
N: Yes, she did so. And she became a heroine!

Scene II
L: Hey, don't cut in. Line up.
L: Attention! This is our general, Li Xiang! (大家鼓掌)
Li Xiang (#):I just want you to follow three "A"s. Tell them what three "A"s are.
L: The three "A"s are(想半天,吞吞吐吐的)"Apple, airplane, and… and adult video?"
#: (气愤的)No! No! No! How many times should I tell you? The three "A"s are "Action, ability, and agility."-----understand?
All: Yes, sir!
#: Good!....Dismiss!
L: Soldiers, follow me! (带领士兵跑步)
All: (Running)
Mulan: Ouch! (摔倒,掉队)
L: Hey! Are you out of breath for running just one kilometer? You are so weak!
Soldier A: Look! He is so thin and weak. How can our country depend on him?
Soldier B: (表示赞同)
Soldier C: (表示同情)
#: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!
#: Are you O.K.?
Mulan: (觉得很没面子) I'm all right!
Li Shang: (对着木兰喊) Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.
Mulan: (停下脚步,自言自语) He’s really a good guy. Which girl will be lucky enough to marry him?
L: Hey, soldiers. It's time for dinner.
All: Oh....food! Food! (木兰挤不进去)
#: (叹气,表惋惜) I have to say, they are right, you’re too weak…
#: (拿出一份吃的) This is for you.
Mulan: Thank you. Sir!
#: Go and enjoy your meal.
Mulan: (拿着吃的,感激) He is really a good man. Mulan, don’t let him down! Do your best to become stronger!

K: Did Mulan become stronger?
N: Oh yes, my dear.
K: And what’s the result of the war? Did they win?
N: Err… Yes, but quite by an accident…

Scene IV
L: Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.
#: What? Hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight.
All: Fight!
#: Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Xiang.
H: (不屑地) I've killed too many people. How can I remember such a guy? It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.
Li Xiang: (气愤地) You! You talk too much! Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.
H: You? (哈哈大笑) Impossible!
#: Watch out, I'll kill you all!
H: See? You're still a little kid. How can you kill me? I said it’s impossible!
M: Impossible is nothing! Let me save you Sir! (拔剑,失败,再拔,由于剑太沉东倒西歪,歪打正着刺中胡人首领)
H: Ah~~~~~~~~~~~
M: Oh! Oh my god! I’m sorry, I don’t mean to…
H: It’s… It’s impossible.
M: How are you…
H: I’m fine thank you, and you?
M: Are you sure you are OK? How are you?
H: I’m fine thank you, and you?
M: …
H: My English teacher taught me this… I can’t believe I’m killed by a normal soldier! Ah… (死)
M: (无比沉痛、自责)I killed a person? I’m a murderer!
#: (咳嗽,提示自己的存在)
M: Oh, I’m sorry... Are you OK? (给李翔松绑)
#: Thank you Mulan!
Mulan: (低下头,温柔的)Li, my love, I'm sorry.
Li Shang: Why did you say sorry? And you said you love me? Are you a gay?
Mulan: No. In fact, I am a Woman.
#: (生气)You deceived me! What’s more, according to the law, a woman can't join the army. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that?
Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision. I’m really sorry.
#: I see. I can understand how hard it is for a girl to do such thing! I’ll try my best to save you!

K: Wow~ Fantastic! Mulan is really brave! Not every girl has the courage to go to the battlefield!
N: Yes, you’re right~ So, when Mulan went back to see the empire, he praised her instead of punish her.

Scene V
Empire (E): My brave soldiers. Congratulations! You, Li Xiang, I’m proud of you, for my country has such a general like you. And I’m sure your father will be proud of you, too! And you, Hua Mulan, (变得很严肃) you deceived everybody! (木兰低着头)
#: (想替木兰解释) But…
E: Just listen to me! (继续对木兰说) you hided the truth that you are a girl, you tried to lie to me! (提高音量) As a result (停顿,突然很和蔼), you save the country! She is our heroine! (大家欢呼)
M: (松口气) Thank you.
E: Thank me? I should thank you! Thank you for saving the country!

K: Wow, what a nice result!
N: Result? Oh, the story is not end yet my dear~
K: Why?

Scene VI
#: Though this is a sudden proposal, would you marry me?
M: Oh~~I'm so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. Will you go to my hometown with me?
#: Of course, my dear.
M: Let's go.

M: Father, I'm back.
F: Mulan, it's really you?
M: Yes. It's a long time.
Kid: Sis, we are missing you everyday.
M: Oh, my baby (她弟弟已经从一个“洋娃娃”长成一个男孩). You are grown up.
F: Who is the gentleman?
M: This is General Li.
F: (发现他们关系不一般) Oh? Is he just a “General Li”?
#: Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?
F: En~~~ Just one thing: Take my daughter seriously.
#: I promise!
F: When are you going to get married?
#: Soon.
F: How soon?
#: How about now?
All: Great!
All: The End~~


Pride and prejudice

Directors writers

Elizabeth(女主角1) Darcy(男主角1)

Jane(女配角1) Bingley (男配角1)

Lydia(女配角2) Wickham (男配角2)

Mrs.Bennet (女配角3)

Servants and guests 6

Narrator 1

Dubbing Specialist 1

Scene one


All of the well-fixed bachelors want to marry beautiful girls. It had already become an acknowledged truth. A man such as this, was completely misunderstand, even by his neighbors, anywhere he moved. However, since such a truth in the minds and people always regarded him as his daughter a well-deserved a fortune. Mrs Bennet is also certainly no exception about this, and thinking of how to marry his daughter to that Mr.right.

Part one

Mrs bennet :did you hear that, Netherfield Garden was rented by a rich bachelor named Bingley. He earns £5,000 each year. And he attended the party tonight. My ladies , this is a good chance to get to know him, isn’t it?

Lydia: oh, realy ? You are too good!

Jane: Is he handsome?

Elizabeth: I believe so!

Lydia: He is sure to be amiable!

Jane:Oh I’m so excited to meet him! (noisy)

Part two

In the Meryton Townhall

Bingley:Come on Darcy, I can’t bear you standing alone like a outsider. Let’s dance.

Darcy :I never dance, you know how I hate dancing with my partner, unless it’s special practice. Such a party, I won't stay down for a long time.

Bingley :Unlike you, I can’t find fault with anything. To say honestly, in my lifetime, I haven't seen as many beautiful girls as tonight.

Darcy :The girls in the ballroom are perfect. I do agree.

Bingley: Jane is amazing, and her sister Elizabeth is very lovely too.

Darcy: What do you mean? (turn around) Well, She is ok,But not beautiful enough to let me fall in love.

Bingley: Are you being two-faced?


(Darcy says something to Bingley and Bingley looks sad.)

Bingley: I must go now, I don't belong here. We will meet again someday.

Jane; I …I...I will miss you.

(After they go)

Elizabeth : you still can look on the bright side, Jane. He just leave for a while. maybe few days.

Jane : I know, but I just can’t help crying.

Scene Two


After a few days,Elizabeth come to meet her friend Dollins

But, happened to meet Mr Darcy. The most prideful person she does not want to see. Compared to Mr Darcy, Mr Wickham is kind and careful. Are you so good as to be a friend of Mr. Darcy?

Part One

Wickham: Miss Elizabeth!

Elizabeth:It’s you Captain Wickham.

Wickham:I have the honor to meet you here. would you want to walk alone on the road?

Elizabeth :No thanks I just walk around. Well, When do you plan to go back?

Wickham :It depends on Mr Darcy. I could not take any chances without his permission .There is nothing he could not slove. You know that, especially for Mr Bingley .

Elizabeth: What do you mean of this ? Is this the most important reason why Mr Bingley was forced to leave?

Oh, poor Jane. I have to ask why he is so cruel to Jane.

Part Two

The ball.


Darcy: Tell me, why did you stay with Captain Wickham? And what did he said to you ?

Elizabeth: It’s a good opportunity to meet … (interrupt)

Darcy:You have to know Captain Wickham is hopeless guy. he is nobody to make friends with.

Elizabeth: He has been so unlucky as to lose your friendship, and I dare say that is an irreversible event?

Darcy: It is. but why do you ask such a question?

Elizabeth: To make out your character.

Darcy;And what have you discovered?

Elizabeth: Very little.

(Dance finished and Elizabeth run out of the ballroom. )

Part Three

Outside. Raining.

Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came only to see you.

Elizabeth: I don’t understand.

Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.

Elizabeth: Of course I can’t. I just wonder why you want to separate my sister Jane and Mr. Bingley. And how can you treat your friend Wickham in this way! You have upset me deeply.

Darcy: You are misunderstanding my thought and I’m just going to help your sister indeed. I asked Bingley to consider more about Jane and his future. I have faith that Mr bingley will give an answer to your sister immediately.Trust me.

Elizabeth: I .I..I’m sorry but I mean..I’m so sorry Mr Darcy. ( big change of your mind.) cry.

Darcy: You must know. Surely you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still as the day we met, tell me so at once.

(Catch her Shoulder.)

I love you , with my body and soul.

Elizabeth: kiss

Part Four


Bingley: Will you marry me , Jane?

Jane: Thousand times I wish.
