





① 整体教学法:抓中心、小标题进行阅读教学,让学生从整体上纵观全文结构和内容:title,main idea, topic sentence


② 线索教学法:主要针对记人叙事的记叙文,以及个人经历、新闻消息,讲述故事的小短文、小说等,主要通过抓住六要素5W1H(who,when,where,why,what,how),以时间顺序(chronological order)展开阅读

③ 背景知识介绍法:优点:学生掌握文章梗概,渗透思想教育因素,道德情感,文化素养提升

④ 段落提问教学法

a.关于主旨的提问形式 (选一句)

(1) The article is mainly about...

(2) The main idea of this text may be...

(3) The author's purpose in writing this text...

(4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

(5) Which statement best expresses the main idea of the paragraph?

b.关于文章细节 (选一句)

(1) who, when, where, what, why, how

(2) Which of the following is NOT true?

(3) According to the passage which of the following is NOT a statement?

(4) In the paragraph the word"they" (it, which, oneself) refers to...

(5) Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

c.推断型 (选一句)

(1) The author implies that...

(2) The author suggests that...

(3) The tone of this article is...

(4) It can be inferred from the text that …

d.作者的观点类型的提问方式 (选一句)

(1) The author believes that...

(2) The author thinks that...

(3) According to the author...

(4)The author agrees with …



(5)The author gives his opinion that…

(6)The author's point of view…

f.归类:conclusion,summarize the main idea

