
1.how many trees_____this year
A.are planted b.have been planted
2.we are all thankful______his great support to us
A.as B.with C.because D.because of
3.she thought she_______the job next day ,but in fact she didn't do it at all.
A.was going to do B.can complete C.will finish D.couldn't finish
4.are you feeling tired after the game
_________.in fact i feel quite relaxed
A.no a little B.not a bit C.not little D.not bit
5.the ship ______radio signals for help before it sank
A.gave off B.gave out C.gave up D.gave away
6.i am very thirsty ,_______i askesd for some water to drink.
A.that B.for C.so D.as
7.he told me that he ______(drop) maths because it was too difficult for him.

B (this year 今年种了多少数,用现在完成时)
D (because of +短语)
A (主句中thought 是过去时,从句时态保持一致,根据句意,D不合适)
B (not a bit =not at all)
A (发出光等,用give off)
C (太渴,所以要水喝,“所以”用 so)

had dropped (已经放弃,过去的过去,用过去完成时)


第1个回答  2010-05-09
1. b 树是被种植的,所以用被动语态。
2. D beacuse of “由于”,后面接短语,because后面接句子。
3. A was going to “将要”
4. B not a bit “一点儿也不”
5. A give off “发出(光线、信号等)”
6. C so“所以”,for“因为”
7. had dropped 表示过去的时候已经发生过的事情,用过去完成时。