

每个人都是默然的表情。片刻寂静后车厢内又像澡堂一样了,就在这时,一位老爷爷站了起来,拉着小男孩坐在自己的位子上,对车厢内的人们说:“你们不想创造一个安静和谐的环境吗?”一些人停止了说话,吃惊地望着老人。小男孩说:“老爷爷,您坐吧!”“不用了,你坐吧”再三推让,老爷爷才坐回了自己的位子上,这时,窗外下起了雨 ,一阵阵清凉的风,从窗外吹来,吹走了人们急燥的心情。

Harmony in life can be seen everywhere, today, I saw another kind of harmony on the bus.
Today, the weather is hot, I took the bus to the bookstore. This car has always been a lot of people. Crowded people, mixed voices, coupled with the reasons for the weather, people feel more irritable. All kinds of strange smell floating in the air, which is not ventilated. The car by the station, up a pair of mother and child, a little boy accidentally fell on the ground, feet hurt, his mother did not stop to comfort him, the child kept crying, because the little boy crying a lot, the whole car suddenly quiet down, people looked at the little boy.
Everyone is silent expression. A moment of silence inside like a bath like, at this time, an old man stood up, took the little boy sat in their seats, the people inside the said: "you do not want to create a quiet and harmonious environment?" Some stopped talking and looked at the old man in surprise. The little boy said: "Grandpa, you sit down!" "no, you sit down again sometime, Grandpa sat back to his seat, then, it began to rain, a cool wind, blowing from the window, blowing away the people anxious mood.追问





Today, I went to the bus, saw a nianguohuajia old man standing on the bus.
But none of the passengers gave way, and I couldn't help standing up. For the over sixty years old to sit.
This is the story I sat on the bus.
