
The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and some other newspapers have published articles indicating that cyber attacks targeting Google and several other U.S.companies were from China.Such accusations are biased.These articles take as evidence that hackers’ IP addresses could be traced back to two schools in China.However, it is common sense that hackers can attack by controlling computers from anywhere in the world.This fact also explains why hackers are hard to be tracked down.
Computers in China are easy to be controlled by hackers as the majority of Chinese Internet users lack security awareness and adequate protection measures.
The hackers’ IP addresses could by no means vindicate the newspapers’ accusations that the attacks were carried out by Chinese citizens or from within China.
The New York Times says one of the schools from which the cyber attacks were said to originate has military support.Another school “has received financing from a high-level government science and technology project.”
The New York Times went to great lengths to mention that “graduates of one of the school’s computer science department are employed by the local military each year.” The paper, however, did not care to tell its readers that a school in China does not need to have any special relationship with the military to have its graduates in uniform.It is also true in the United States, where the New York Times is based.

《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《金融时报》和其他一些报纸刊登的文章显示网络攻击目标谷歌和其他几个U.S.companies来自China.Such指控是偏颇的. 这些文章作为证据,黑客的IP地址可以追溯到2所学校在China.However,这是常识,通过控制电脑黑客攻击来自任何的事实也解释了为什么黑客是很难被查获的。
第1个回答  2010-05-20