写同义句并回答。1.What's your favourite season?

1.What's your favourite season?
2.How's the weather today?
3.What time is it now?
4.Whose bag is it?
5.What's wrong with her?

    Which season do you like best?——I like spring best.  你最喜欢哪个季节?——春天

    What's the weather like today ?——It's sunny.  今天天气怎样?——今天天气晴朗

    What’s the time now?——It's ten o'clock. 现在几点了?——现在是十点了

    Who does the bag belong to?——It's Tom's. 这个包是谁的?——是TOM的

    What's the matter with her?——She is sick.她怎么了?——她不舒服
