
A) Seeking a deferral: If the HEI has confirmed that it operates deferred entry to the course in question, on receipt of an Offer Notice: 1. Do NOT accept the offer in the manner shown on the Offer Notice. 2. Write IMMEDIATELY to the Admissions Office of the appropriate HEI, setting out the reason(s) for the request. Mark "DEFERRED ENTRY" clearly on the envelope. You must attach to the letter the appropriate part of the Offer Notice, i.e. that which shows the offer you wish to be deferred. 3. The letter must arrive in the Admissions Office at least two days before the "Reply Date" shown on the Offer Notice. 4. The HEI will communicate the decision to you. If the deferral is not granted, you may then accept the offer for the current year。

第1个回答  2010-08-25
a)设法推迟:如果喜已经证实,它推迟进入运作中的问题时,就收到对要约的通知:1。不要接受该要约的通知上显示的方式提供。 2。写立即向招生办公室的适当黑,列明原因(阅读的要求)。马克“延迟进入”信封上清楚。你必须重视的信中适当的部分要约的通知,即:这表明你的录用希望被推迟。 3。信中必须抵达招生办公室至少前两天的“回复日期通知书上的优惠。” 4。喜将决定通知您。如果不给予延期,你可以接受的本年度报价。