求2015-2016高二英语周报外研版book 8 module 6答案


2015-2016高二英语周报外研版Book 8 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 AABBC 16-20ABACC
21-25 ACABD 26-30AABCB
31-35 CBBDC 36-40CBDGE
41-45 DACBA 46-50DCADB
51-55 ABCDC 56-60BADCB
61. to understand 62.what
63. It 64. werepublished
65. hearing 66. as
67. that / which 68. a
69. personally 70.kindness
71. ... paid the visit to ... the→ a
72. ... what is known ... what → which
73. ... their tour guides. guides → guide
74. ... spoke high of ... high→ highly
75. ... the freezing surface ...
freezing → frozen
76. ... we decided leave ... decided后加to
77. ... catch our eye. catch→ caught
78. ... experience with him ... him → them
79. On fact ... On → In
80. ... and so as to ... 去掉and
One possible version:
This short poem describes a real-lifesituation. Very often, we try our best to do something, but unfortunately theresult is not what we expect. What should we do next? Keep trying and nevergive up.
I was impressed and inspired by the poem.Though very short, it teaches us about how to deal with failures. Life is notalways smooth. Sometimes we pay a lot but harvest little. However, we shouldn'tlose heart. If we stay cheerful and keep going, we'll succeed in the end.
I like this poem very much.

A篇 (周围的环境)
本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了英国伦敦恩菲尔德区的采摘地Parkside Farm,旨在吸引读者前去采摘。
21. A。细节理解题。由Opening times部分中的MondaysCLOSED可知,Parkside Farm在周一不开放。
22. C。细节理解题。由Prices部分中的There is a minimumcharge of £3 for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area可知,因1公斤strawberry和1公斤plum的价格加起来不足9英镑,故最后三人必须付9英镑。
23. A。写作目的题。由第一段中的... for you to come and pick your own. Why not pay us a visit?以及文中的描述可知,本文介绍了英国伦敦恩菲尔德区的一处采摘地的情况,目的是吸引大家前去采摘。
B篇 (日常活动)
24. B。词义猜测题。由第二段中的Since then, to my surprise, I've never seen the same shoebox appeartwice from the room可知,作者祖父的家庭历史记录让作者感到惊讶,由此可推断astounding意为“惊人的”。
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的One summer night I walked through a wood with my grandfather,及第二段中的When we came in from our walk ... After that day, I often joined mygrandpa to learn about my French-Canadian ancestry可知,作者在那个夏天的夜晚之后,开始研究家史。
26. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的bits of ancestors' life stories became increasingly challenging touncover as we dug deeper into the past可知,作者和他祖父在研究祖先的生活故事方面感觉困难。
27. A。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者描述了自己和祖父一起研究家谱的经历,故A项标题符合文章主旨。
C篇 (社会)
28. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的got me thinking about the link between films and trends in fashion和Everyone from Madonna to middle-aged men have been seen wearing theclassic leather motorcycle jacket可知,作者在第一段中提到电影《飞车党》是为了说明电影也可以引领一种时尚潮流。
29. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的Audrey Hepburn, more than any other film star, still influenceswomen's fashion with her “Tiffany's” look可知,奥黛丽·赫本对女性时尚有着极大的影响。
30. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的The film has also led to a renewed interest in kimonos可知,这部电影引起了人们对和服的兴趣。
31. C。推理判断题。由最后一段What fashions from films have influenced you? Email your answer [email protected]可推断,作者可能是一名时尚记者。
D篇 (个人情况)
32. B。段落大意题。由第二段中的worked as a printer's learner, a worker, and a teacher和he gave up teaching to pursue a full-time career as a journalist andpoet可知,该段主要讲述了惠特曼早期的职业生涯。
33. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的his arrival onto the American literary scene was met withcontroversy和no commercial publisherwould print the work以及Whitmanpublished, at his own expense, the first edition of his collection of twelvepoems可知,当惠特曼作为诗人出现在美国文学界时引起了极大的争议,没有商业出版商出版他的诗集,他只得自费出版《草叶集》。
34. D。推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的In his work, Whitman moves from conventional patterns of rhyme tocreate a unique rhythm and a multi-layered, but truly American voice可知,惠特曼在作品中摒弃了传统的韵律模式,创造了一种独特的节奏、一种多层次的美国声音。
35. C。推理判断题。最后一段主要总结了惠特曼的贡献,他无疑是美国文化史和形象的一部分,由此可知,作者是以赞扬的口吻写的。
36. C。由下文列出的写日记的益处可知,C项“开始写日记,开始感受如下的好处”符合此处语境。
37. B。由本段中的get to know what makes you feel happy and confident和become clear about situations and be able to recognize people whowill not get on with you可知,本段主要说明写日记能帮助你更好地了解自己。
38. D。由本段的主题句Reduce stress以及该段中的helps torelease your feelings可知,D项“这样做你会感觉更平静、更能活在当下”符合此处语境。
39. G。G项中的solutions和unsolvable problems与该段的主题句Solveproblems more effectively相呼应。
40. E。由该段主题句Resolve disagreements
with others可知,E项“你可能会想出一个合理解决冲突的办法”符合此处语境。

41. D。由下文中的when I have nothing to write them down on可知,“我”最好的灵感总是在最“不方便的(inconvenient)”时候来到。
42. A。由下文中作者看到的景色以及I was still a half-mile away from my car可知,“我”正沿着湖边“走(walking)”。
43. C。由下文中的I smiled可知,此处应填full of,表示“树上满是唱歌的小鸟”。
44. B。由文中的描述可知,湖边的氛围使人“感觉(felt)”安宁。
45. A。由该空前的smiled可知,“我”很“放松(relaxed)”。
46. D。由该空前的the idea for a new story以及该空后的appeared可知,一个灵感“突然(suddenly)”冒出来了。
47. C。48. A。由该句中的my aging brain和I got there可知,“我”担心自己“还未(before)”走到车跟前就“忘了(forget)”这个突然想到的故事。
49. D。由下文中的washing the ... off my hand可知,“我”拿出笔,把这个灵感写在“手(hand)”上。
50. B。由上下文的描述可知,随后“我”把这个“灵感(inspiration)”写到纸上。
51. A。由上文中的started writing it down on my ...可知,“我”把手上的“字迹(writing)”洗掉。
52. B。由下文中的hear Life's inspiration and guidance in your heart and mind可知,“我”不禁问为什么生活总是在最奇怪的时候跟“我”的“心(heart)”对话。
53. C。由下文中的Because that is the only time you are listening可知,“我”“听到(heard)”了心中的答案。
54. D。由下文中的All we have to do is listen可知,如果我们想要听到生活的启示,那我们就应该闭上嘴,静静“聆听(listen)”。
55. C。由下文中的in the quiet of the storm可知,生活在我们的灵魂“寂静(silence)”时与我们交流。
56. B。由上文中的speaks to us以及该空后的in thequiet of the storm可知,生活在风暴的宁静中向我们“低语(whispers)”。
57. A。由上文中的hear Life's inspiration and guidance in your heart and mind以及该空后的your own noise可知,要在心里听到生活的启示和指导,你得“关掉(shut off)”自己的噪音。
58. D。由上文中的Life's inspiration and guidance可知,生活总是准备好爱我们、激励我们、“引导(lead)”我们、提高我们。
59. C。由文中的描述以及常识可知,“通过(through)”我们的思想、经历和生活,我们能感受到生活赐予我们的灵感。
60. B。由上文中的shut up可知,我们要做的就是打开心灵、闭上“嘴(mouths)”。
61. to understand。考查不定式的用法。在“sth. + be +形容词+ to do”句式中,不定式用主动式表被动意义。
62. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作wrote的宾语,表示“他所写的”,故填what。
63. It。考查it的用法。本句是强调句,强调时间状语notuntil seven years after his death,故填It。
64. were published。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由句中的时间状语可知应用一般过去时,且plays与publish之间是被动关系,故填were published。
65. hearing。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作without的宾语,且people与hear之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填hearing。
66. as。考查介词。use sth. as ...意为“将某物用作……”。
67. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰words,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
68. a。考查不定冠词。本句为“what + a(n) +形容词+单数可数名词”构成的感叹句,故填a。
69. personally。考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰整句话,故填personally。
70. kindness。考查名词。设空处作介词of的宾语,故填kindness。

1-5 BABDC 6-10 CDDAB
A篇 (社会)
1. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的unable to read and write可知,Fong See没文化。
2. A。推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,加利福尼亚州不允许华人和白人通婚,华人也不可以拥有地产,并且联邦法律禁止华人入美国籍,由此可以推断,华人面临诸多限制。
3. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的Fong See成为唐人街的创办人和在美国第一个拥有汽车的华人可知,他实现了在美国通过劳动获得财富和荣誉的梦想。
4. D。观点态度题。由倒数第三段中的I made him go back the next day with a gift of a perfect orange andan apology可知,作者对孩子很严格。
5. C。推理判断题。由第四段中的But there's a deep core that connects us to our peasant ancestors以及最后三段对作者生活习惯、处理孩子问题的描述可以看出,作者的生活习惯和思维方式依然是中国式的。
B篇 (自然)
6. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的How did the earliest birds take wing和第二段中的a talent that could have helped their ancestors learn to fly可知,该研究希望发现最早的鸟类是如何学会飞行的。
7. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的From day one, post-hatching, 25 percent of these birds can basicallyroll in midair and land on their feet when you drop them可知,刚孵出来的石鸡幼鸟从窝里掉下来时,有四分之一可以在空中拍动翅膀并平稳落地。
8. D。词义猜测题。由上文中出现的day-old,post-hatching可以推测,刚孵化出来的幼鸟翅膀应该还“没有发育好”。
9. A。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的These abilities develop veryquickly after hatching, and occur before other previously described uses of thewings, such as for weight support及倒数第二段中的midairmaneuverability appeared earlier than the development of flapping flight和righting using uncoordinated wing flapping is a very early development可知,在鸟类的飞行发展进化过程中,它们先是学会在半空中盘旋,然后是不协调地拍打翅膀,最后才具有在空中平稳、协调飞行的能力。
10. B。推理判断题。由文章最后一句话可知,这种平衡能力在没有翅膀的动物中都能发挥作用,那么当翅膀出现后,那简直就是如虎添翼,鸟儿们自然可以飞得更快更省力。所以从他的话中,我们可以看出平衡能力在鸟类飞行发展过程中的重要作用。来自:求助得到的回答