if i had done与if i would have done的区别好像两者都是对过去的虚拟

if i had done与if i would have done的区别好像两者都是对过去的虚拟,但是后者我以前并没有见过,刚刚看到,有哪位帮我,谢了

if i had done 是说 假设这个事情 我确实做了
if i would have done 是说 假设这个事情在以前会发生,其实根本不可能发生, 这个用的少
举个 if i would have had time, i would have been with u ,假设有时间,但是我根本不会有
这个和 if i had had time 的区别是 had had 就是假设一定有时间了,
用 could have 举例,应该明朗一些。
if i could have 表示 这个事情我在以前可以做,但是并不能够。
举个例子,你朋友以前请你帮忙,但是你帮不了,事后,你对他说 i apologize, if i could have,i would have helped u. 实在抱歉,如果我可以的话(其实不可以)我绝对会帮你。
第1个回答  2016-06-10
前者是对过去的虚拟,但英语里不可能有if I would have done 这样的表述!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-06-12
  条件状语从句对过去的虚拟结构是从句用过去完成时had done, 主语用would have done的形式,并没有从句If用 would have done的形式。
例1:If Mary had studied hard, she would have passed the final exam.
如果Mary 努力学习的话,她期末考试就会及格了。(表示她考试不及格,对过去的虚拟)。
例2:If I had known her phone number, I would have called her in time.
例3:HadMary studied hard, she would have passed the final exam.
如果Mary 努力学习的话,她期末考试就会及格了。
例4: HadI known her phone number, I would have called her in time.

  条件虚拟对现在虚拟的结构是从句用一般过去式,主句用would do形式。
例1:If I were you, I would try it again.
例2(倒装形式):Were I you, I would try it again.
 例3:If we had a washing machine, my mother would be happy.
第3个回答  2016-06-10