你能帮我一下吗? 英文怎么说


“你能帮助我吗?”翻译成英语是:Can you help me?

“Can you help me?”的读法:

1、用英式音标读作:[kæn] [juː] [help] [miː];

2、用美式音标读作:[kæn] [ju] [hɛlp] [mi]。





所以,综合起来“你能帮助我吗?”翻译成英语就是:Can you help me?



1、Is it possible for you to help me?

2、Could you help me?

3、Can you help me out?

第1个回答  2010-08-10
Would you please help me? I can't move this case, which is my uncle's. He has gone to Shenzhen, and I am supposed to take care of his son for him. The boy is really cute. However, he likes to cry. When I help him put on his clothes, he is OK. Yet when I help him take the clothes off, he starts to cry.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-08-10
can you give me a hand? i'm not strong enough to move this box. it becongs to my uncle who is now in ShenZhen. i'm gonna take care of his cute kid. howere, he loves to cry when i am taking off his clothes. he will not do so when i put on his clothes.