
6、人家是棒槌 、纯棒槌









10.Ralph W. Sockman说:当我们是少数时,可以测试自己的勇气;当我们是多数时,可以测试自己的宽容。

11.牧羊,一辈子都在急;金牛,一辈子都在守;双子,一辈子都在徘徊;巨蟹,一辈子都在等;狮子,一辈子都在控 制;处女,一辈子都在准备;天秤,一辈子都在权衡;天蝎,一辈子都在猜疑;射手,一辈子都在玩儿;摩羯,一辈子都在奋斗;水瓶,一辈子都在做梦;双鱼,一 辈子都不知道自己在做什么。


14.李碧华说过: 什么叫多余?夏天的棉袄,冬天的蒲扇,还有等我已经心冷后你的殷勤。










25.世界上所有男人都是骗子。不管是漂亮还是不漂亮的女人都会被骗。有所不同的是,幸运的女人找到了一个大骗子,骗了她一辈子。 不幸的女人找到了一个小骗子,骗了她一阵子。

1, I take you as you put my buddy, when the KFC
2, who said the circular face not cool, I like black sheriff
3 and the AoTeMan behind every successful total have a little monster beating silently
God knows I need four, a lovely friends, so you created. But god did so didn't eat the bucket
5, tang's monk meat to eat to live forever, tang's monk excrement do not know to have the same effect
6 and somebody else is made of pure hammer-strokes,

25 the classic funny

1 I this person never, generally have revenge on the spot I quote.
2 don't at my grave and cry. Dirty I cycle.

3 will have to review the youth are youth, but the whole life to doubt life.

4 so zhang, you are at home computer press CTRL + C, then in the company's computer and press CTRL + V is certainly not. Even though the same article. No, your computer.

5. If you are not after the flowers, and the cattle dung!

6. I thought you just 1 and 3 of the middle number, but you still 1 and 3 of the number.

8. To the China first, then why not happy "China", "China with what is next to", "China", "how so unhappy." you say what not so happy ", "by what I said China how so unhappy, with what can't let you said China how so unhappy, I * * * which know what not so happy"...

9. Choose 45 ° Hugh Johnson look others, others 135 ° overlooking look for you.

10. The Sockman w. said: when we are few, can test your courage, When we are in the majority, can test your forgiveness.

11. Sheep, drunbying all anxious, Taurus, lifetime are kept, Gemini, drunbying all around, Cancer, drunbying all; etc. The lion in control system, forever, Virgo forever; in preparation, Libra, lifetime are in balance, Scorpio, drunbying all suspicion, Striker, drunbying all fun, Capricorn, drunbying all struggle, Aquarius, lifetime in dreams. Pisces, a lifetime all don't know what you're doing.

12 in the workplace should be like conan, I went to a dead to let others which the domineering.

13 a cannibal? Class, manager and colleagues, promised not to eat explaination. After several days, steal to eat a cleaner, was found. The feeling is: don't eat real work.
14 LiBiHua said: what is redundant? The summer and winter of cotton-padded jacket, and I have such stalk after your hospitality heart cold.

The young forever, forever, never somehow pack, never to tears.

16 when you just a few personal practice love object rather than love object.

But Mr. Qian zhongshu talks to have such a lady Yang jiang, were later sociologists as a model of an ideal marriage met her before, I never want to get married. B, together with her for so many years and never regret marry her. C, also never want to take another woman.

18 you save enough four five, I also saved enough four five, we can go to the civil marriage.

The individual feels, on the network to turn "slow", faster, more information to wait a few days to emerge, the first time that the first human flesh, first, without too much to tears.

My face and the weight I spoke HanGong: no, HanGong had the disease.

21. Everything is finally all time, all the troubles are indeed a worrywart.

22 I believe you won't go, you go you when you don't come after me. We should treat fate -- with love.

24 "age the biggest advantage is: young when something, now you want."

And all the men in the world are sharpers. Whether or not beautiful, beautiful women will be cheated. Different is lucky, the woman found a great liar, cheated her lifetime. Unfortunately the woman found a small cheater, cheated her for a while.
第1个回答  2010-08-02
自己下个 有道 吧