




1.这是一个改变永不停止的时代 The era of “always-on”transformation

(1)自我改变大多数时候让我们感觉是积极的 Self-transformation(positive);

(2)组织变革,我们通常会想“完了” The transformation of organizations(Uh-oh)

2.为什么改变令人如此疲惫 Why is transformation so exhausting

(1)首先,改变是困难的,特别是被强加在身上的改变 Change is hard,especially when it’s imposed on them

(2)领导们常常不及时行动,导致所有的事情在大家有危机情绪的时候发生 Leaders often wait too long to act,everything is happening in crisis mode

(3)采取短视措施,对未来却没有任何改观 What they’ll do is Just focus on the short-term results,but that doesn’t give any hope for the future

(4)只用表面和一次性功夫,就希望能够正常如此 Just take a superficial,one-off approach,hoping that they can return back to business as usual

3.怎么解决 How do we fix it

要关注5个战略要点,基于 以人为本 的前提 Focus on 5 strategic imperatives all of which have one thing in common: putting people first

(1) 在目标中激励众人 Inspire through purpose(共启愿景)

Ex:Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow(Lego)

(2)全力以赴To go all in(take actions that will fundamentally change the way the company operates;investments to develop the leadership and the talent)

(3)使员工获得在改革中和改革后能够保持成功的技能 Enable people with the capabilities that they need to succeed during the transformation and beyond

(4)灌输一种长期学习的文化 Instill a culture of continuous learning

(5)领导者需要有指引性和包容性 Leaders need to be directive and inclusive





1.Shifting from a fixed mindset,where your role was to show up as the smartest person in the room,to a growth mindset,where your role was to listen,to learn and to bring out the best in people.

2.In a transformation,a leader needs to have a vision,a clear road map with milestones,and then you need to hold people accountable for results.

3.Organizations are always going to be transforming. But doing so dose not have to be exhausting