

判断一个句子是不是现在完成时,只需要找到句子中有否助动词have或者has,然后去找动词的过去分词,如果能找到,即可肯定是现在完成时。很明显本句中有 have, 而seen 又是动词see(看见)的过去分词,所以这句话用的是现在完成时,表达了从过去某个时刻起到说这句话时“我还没有看到那家公司。”
第1个回答  2022-08-27
这句话的谓语动词就是have not found,实际上应该写成has not found,因为如果主语为第三人称单数的话,助动词要用has,而不是have。found是find的过去分词。

(1)The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)

(2)Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)

(3)He’s been ill. 他刚生过病。(结果:现在脸色还不好)


①What happened? 发生什么事了?(等于What’s happened?)

②Who took my dictionary? 谁把我的词典拿走了?(等于Who’s taken my dictionary?)


(4)He has traveled over many lands. 他到过许多国家。(结果:他见识很广)

(5)Have you ever seen the sea? 你看见过大海吗?(结果:如见过就告诉我海是什么样吧)

(6)She has had a good education. 她受过良好教育。(结果:她的文化水平比较高)


(7)They have gone to the moon and come back to earth again. 他们踏上了月球,后又返回了地球。

(8)The river has been the scourge to China. But we have tamed it at last. 这条河是中国的灾难。但我们终于把它驯服了。

注意have been与have gone的意思不同。试比较:

(9)I have been to the library. 我刚从图书馆回来。(去而复归,用be的现在完成时)

(10)He has gone to the library. 我到图书馆去了。(去而未归,用go的现在完成时,go的现在完成时还可以作连系动词,表示事物的由强转弱,如:The computer has gone wrong. 电脑出毛病了。)

have been还可和不定式连用。如:

(11)I have been to see John. 我去看过约翰了。

(12)This is one of the few times he has been to shed tears. 这是他难得的一次流泪。

在口语中,have got除具有本义“得到”外,往往等于have,多用在英国英语中,如:

①Have you got a light? 你有火吗?

但在美国口语中,get如具有本义,则用have gotten。如:

②Tom, I have gotten some very good news for you. 汤姆,我得到一些对你非常好的消息。



(13)It’s a beautiful place. Your papa has told me about it. He loved it very much. 那可是个好地方。你爸爸生前和我说过,他非常喜欢那个地方。


(14)Shakespeare has written most of the best plays we know. 在我们熟悉的最佳剧作中,大部分都是莎士比亚写的。

(15)Newton has explained the movements of the moon from the attractions of the earth. 牛顿阐明了月球受到地球引力而运行的规律。


(16)What have you done! 你干了些什么!

(17)Now you’ve done it! 这你可闯下祸了!

在口语中,往往用“have gone(或been)and+过去分词“的形式。如:

(18)You’ve gone and broken my fan. 你把我的扇子弄断了。

(19)You have been and moved my papers! 你乱动我的文件啦!



(1)I have lived here for more than thirty years. 我已在此住了30多年。

(2)I have been here since last October. 从去年十月起,我一直在这里。(since是介系词)

(3)She has taught us since I came to this school. 自从我来到这所学校,她一直教我们。(since是连接词)


(4)Have you waited long? 你等了很久了吗?(动作不再延续,如果说话人是对方所等待的人的话。long前省去了for,也可以认为这里的long是副词用法)

(5)These shoes are worn out. They have lasted a long time. 这些鞋子已穿破了。已穿了很长时间了。(have lasted也不再延续。a long time前省去了for,因为last后面可以直接加时间)


(6)I haven’t bought anything for three months. 我有3个月没有买过任何东西。

(7)I haven’t touched beer for a whole week. 我有整整一个星期没沾啤酒。


(8)The two leaders have met for two hours. 这两位领导人会晤了两个小时。

(9)He has visited China for three days. 他在中国进行了三天访问。

(10)Since when have you become active? 你什么时候开始变得积极了的?


(11)I’ve come only for a few moments. 我来只能待几分钟。

(12)Charlie has gone off to Canada for six months. 查理去加拿大,要去六个月。

3)表过去重复的动作。这种现在完成时常与always,often,many times,every day等时间状语连用。如:

(13)My father has always gone to work by bike. 我父亲一向是骑车上班。

(14)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(15)Six times he has tried and six times he has failed. 他试了六次,六次都失败了。


(16)I have often met him when I have been in London. 我在伦敦时经常见到他。

(17)Sometimes when I have been alone I have remembered that folly. 有时我独自一人,就会想起那桩荒唐事。

when从句中的现在完成时往往被过去一般时所代替,如:Here men have been killed when they fired at a grizzly. (这里人们开枪打灰熊时,是有过牺牲的。)


(1)We are going after we’ve had breakfast. 我们吃过早餐走。

(2)How can you go before the rain has stopped? 雨还没有停,你怎么能走呢?

(3)I’ll wait until he has written his letter. 我愿等到他把信写完。


(4)The test question will be spoken just one time, you must listen very carefully in order to understand what the speaker has said. 试题只念一遍,考生必须仔细听,以理解试题的内容。(从属于must listen…)

(5)If he asks for me, tell him I have left for Paris. 他如问到我,你就告诉他我去巴黎了。(从属于tell him)


(6)There is but one more question: then I have done. 只再提一个问题,我就问完了。(I have done等于I’ll have done,但强调其自然结果)

(7)If I blow the conch and they don’t come back, then we’ve had it. 如果我吹了海螺而他们还不回来,那我们就苦了。

7.20 现在完成时与其它词语连用



(1)Have you found out how wide the ditch was? 你了解到那条沟有多宽吗?(指量沟时的宽度)

(2)Have you found out how wide the ditch is? 你了解到这条沟有多宽吗?(指现在沟仍有的宽度)

(3)Have you found out how wide the ditch will be? 你了解到这条沟将来有多宽吗?

2)与时间状语连用。现在完成时是一个现在时态,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用,如now,today,this week,this month,this year,always,often等。如:

(4)The rain has stopped now. 雨终于停了。(now在此等于at last)

(5)I have lived here for five years now. 我到现在已经在这里住了五年了。(now在此等于up to now)

(6)Have you seen John today? 你今天见过约翰吗?

(7)I have got up very early this morning. 我今天早上起得很早。

(8)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(9)I have been there only once this year. 我今年只去过那儿一次。

现在完成时一般不可和具体地表过去的时间状语如just now,a minute ago,yesterday,last year连用,但可和just,recently,of late,before,never,always,often,already,in the past等笼统地表过去的时间状语连用。如:

(10)He’s just gone. 他刚走。

(11)Have you been here before? 你以前来过这里吗?

(12)I have always liked him. 我一向喜欢他。

(13)I have seen his name in the papers rather often of late. 我近来常在报上看到他的名字。

(14)I’ve already read that book. 我已经读过那本书了。



(15)Nothing has happened since. 从那以后未发生什么事。

(16)Nothing has been quite the same ever since. 从那以后情况就完全不一样了。(ever为了加强语气用)


(17)I have met him often since I have lived here. 自从我在这里住下之后,这常看见他。

(18)I have learned a lot from him since I have known him. 自从我认识了他,我向他学到许多东西。


(19)It’s a long time since I’ve seen you. 好久不见你了。(since I’ve seen you等于since I last saw you)

(20)It’s a long time since I’ve spoken to you. 我有好久没有和你谈谈了。(since I’ve spoken to you等于since I last spoke to you)


(21)He has usually finished all his correspondence before bed time. 他通常在就寝前将所有信件处理完毕。

(22)After six years, a quite different Smith has emerged. 六年之后,史密斯变得判若两人。

(23)I have learned a lot during the year. 这一年来我学到很多东西。

(24)The State has not existed from all eternity. 国家并非从来就有。

(25)I have read quite a bit in the past few days. 近日我读了不少书。

(26)Until recently he has hidden the book in a secret place. 直至近日,他将此书藏在一个秘密的地方。


(27)I haven’t studied English when I was at school. 我上学时没有学过英语。

(28)Have you been here while I was out? 你在我出去时来过这里吗?

5)与long ago连用。现在完成时有时可和时间状语long ago连用。如:

(29)She’s gone long ago. 她早走了。

(30)Fanny has long ago left me. 范妮早已离开我了。

(31)I have ceased to believe that long ago. 我早就不信那个了。


(32)How have you done it? 你是怎么做的?(强调结果。如用过去一般时则问方式)

(33)Why has the child run away? 这孩子为什么逃跑啦?

(34)Where have you been? 你上哪儿去啦?


(35)When have I ever been accustomed to be treated like this? 我什么时候吃过这一套?

(36)When have I been harsh with the children? 我什么时候对孩子粗暴过?


(37)My friend gave to me, and I have since kept it in the drawer. 这是我的朋友给我的,我一直把它保存在这个抽屉里。(发生于过去一般时之后)

(38)Professor Lin left yesterday for America where a lecture-tour has been arranged for him. 美国那边为林教授安排了一次巡回讲学,他昨天已动身去美国了。(发生于过去一般时之前)

(39)I have climbed that hill many a time when I was young. 我年轻时多次爬过那座山。(于过去一般时同时发生)


(40)I have seen the film. I saw it last week. 这个电影我看过了,是上星期看的。

(41)I have lived in China. That was 1940. 我在中国住过,那是1940年。


(42)She has made several attempts to get away, but we succeeded in persuading her to stay. 她几次三番地要走,可我们还是说服她留下了。


(43)We’ve tired. It’s been a long day. 我们累了,今天干了好久。(和现在一般时连用)

(44)Harry has made the tea and is watching TV again. 哈里把茶煮好后,又看起电视来了。(和现在进行时连用)


(45)Why! He has only just gone. What has brought him back soon? 嗬!他刚走,怎么不大一会儿又回来啦?

8)用于时间和原因状语从句。现在完成时和现在一般时一样,也可用在when,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中。这种从句中的现在完成时较之于现在一般时,常强调下列三种情况。


(46)When he has finished his letters, he usually takes them to the post himself. 他写完信,通常都是他亲自付邮。(强调完成)

(47)When they have been frightened, dairy cows may refuse to give milk. 奶牛受惊后可能不出奶。(强调结果)


(48)They often play chess after they have had supper. 他们晚饭后经常下棋。

(49)Almost as soon as we have started we find ourselves at the bottom of the hill. 我们几乎是刚刚动身,就到山腿下了。


(50)When I have studied a book I write a report on it. 我研读完一本书之后就写一篇报告。


(51)We cannot cross the river because the water has risen. 我们过不了河了,因为河水涨了。

(52)She can drive by herself because she has passed her test. 她现在可以独立开车了,因为她已经通过了驾驶考试。


(53)I heard you have been ill. 我听说你病了。

(54)The investigation proved that he has done his best. 调查结果说明他是尽了最大努力的。
第2个回答  2022-08-27
这句话的谓语动词就是have not found,实际上应该写成has not found,因为如果主语为第三人称单数的话,助动词要用has,而不是have。found是find的过去分词。

(1)The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)

(2)Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)

(3)He’s been ill. 他刚生过病。(结果:现在脸色还不好)


①What happened? 发生什么事了?(等于What’s happened?)

②Who took my dictionary? 谁把我的词典拿走了?(等于Who’s taken my dictionary?)


(4)He has traveled over many lands. 他到过许多国家。(结果:他见识很广)

(5)Have you ever seen the sea? 你看见过大海吗?(结果:如见过就告诉我海是什么样吧)

(6)She has had a good education. 她受过良好教育。(结果:她的文化水平比较高)


(7)They have gone to the moon and come back to earth again. 他们踏上了月球,后又返回了地球。

(8)The river has been the scourge to China. But we have tamed it at last. 这条河是中国的灾难。但我们终于把它驯服了。

注意have been与have gone的意思不同。试比较:

(9)I have been to the library. 我刚从图书馆回来。(去而复归,用be的现在完成时)

(10)He has gone to the library. 我到图书馆去了。(去而未归,用go的现在完成时,go的现在完成时还可以作连系动词,表示事物的由强转弱,如:The computer has gone wrong. 电脑出毛病了。)

have been还可和不定式连用。如:

(11)I have been to see John. 我去看过约翰了。

(12)This is one of the few times he has been to shed tears. 这是他难得的一次流泪。

在口语中,have got除具有本义“得到”外,往往等于have,多用在英国英语中,如:

①Have you got a light? 你有火吗?

但在美国口语中,get如具有本义,则用have gotten。如:

②Tom, I have gotten some very good news for you. 汤姆,我得到一些对你非常好的消息。



(13)It’s a beautiful place. Your papa has told me about it. He loved it very much. 那可是个好地方。你爸爸生前和我说过,他非常喜欢那个地方。


(14)Shakespeare has written most of the best plays we know. 在我们熟悉的最佳剧作中,大部分都是莎士比亚写的。

(15)Newton has explained the movements of the moon from the attractions of the earth. 牛顿阐明了月球受到地球引力而运行的规律。


(16)What have you done! 你干了些什么!

(17)Now you’ve done it! 这你可闯下祸了!

在口语中,往往用“have gone(或been)and+过去分词“的形式。如:

(18)You’ve gone and broken my fan. 你把我的扇子弄断了。

(19)You have been and moved my papers! 你乱动我的文件啦!



(1)I have lived here for more than thirty years. 我已在此住了30多年。

(2)I have been here since last October. 从去年十月起,我一直在这里。(since是介系词)

(3)She has taught us since I came to this school. 自从我来到这所学校,她一直教我们。(since是连接词)


(4)Have you waited long? 你等了很久了吗?(动作不再延续,如果说话人是对方所等待的人的话。long前省去了for,也可以认为这里的long是副词用法)

(5)These shoes are worn out. They have lasted a long time. 这些鞋子已穿破了。已穿了很长时间了。(have lasted也不再延续。a long time前省去了for,因为last后面可以直接加时间)


(6)I haven’t bought anything for three months. 我有3个月没有买过任何东西。

(7)I haven’t touched beer for a whole week. 我有整整一个星期没沾啤酒。


(8)The two leaders have met for two hours. 这两位领导人会晤了两个小时。

(9)He has visited China for three days. 他在中国进行了三天访问。

(10)Since when have you become active? 你什么时候开始变得积极了的?


(11)I’ve come only for a few moments. 我来只能待几分钟。

(12)Charlie has gone off to Canada for six months. 查理去加拿大,要去六个月。

3)表过去重复的动作。这种现在完成时常与always,often,many times,every day等时间状语连用。如:

(13)My father has always gone to work by bike. 我父亲一向是骑车上班。

(14)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(15)Six times he has tried and six times he has failed. 他试了六次,六次都失败了。


(16)I have often met him when I have been in London. 我在伦敦时经常见到他。

(17)Sometimes when I have been alone I have remembered that folly. 有时我独自一人,就会想起那桩荒唐事。

when从句中的现在完成时往往被过去一般时所代替,如:Here men have been killed when they fired at a grizzly. (这里人们开枪打灰熊时,是有过牺牲的。)


(1)We are going after we’ve had breakfast. 我们吃过早餐走。

(2)How can you go before the rain has stopped? 雨还没有停,你怎么能走呢?

(3)I’ll wait until he has written his letter. 我愿等到他把信写完。


(4)The test question will be spoken just one time, you must listen very carefully in order to understand what the speaker has said. 试题只念一遍,考生必须仔细听,以理解试题的内容。(从属于must listen…)

(5)If he asks for me, tell him I have left for Paris. 他如问到我,你就告诉他我去巴黎了。(从属于tell him)


(6)There is but one more question: then I have done. 只再提一个问题,我就问完了。(I have done等于I’ll have done,但强调其自然结果)

(7)If I blow the conch and they don’t come back, then we’ve had it. 如果我吹了海螺而他们还不回来,那我们就苦了。

7.20 现在完成时与其它词语连用



(1)Have you found out how wide the ditch was? 你了解到那条沟有多宽吗?(指量沟时的宽度)

(2)Have you found out how wide the ditch is? 你了解到这条沟有多宽吗?(指现在沟仍有的宽度)

(3)Have you found out how wide the ditch will be? 你了解到这条沟将来有多宽吗?

2)与时间状语连用。现在完成时是一个现在时态,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用,如now,today,this week,this month,this year,always,often等。如:

(4)The rain has stopped now. 雨终于停了。(now在此等于at last)

(5)I have lived here for five years now. 我到现在已经在这里住了五年了。(now在此等于up to now)

(6)Have you seen John today? 你今天见过约翰吗?

(7)I have got up very early this morning. 我今天早上起得很早。

(8)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(9)I have been there only once this year. 我今年只去过那儿一次。

现在完成时一般不可和具体地表过去的时间状语如just now,a minute ago,yesterday,last year连用,但可和just,recently,of late,before,never,always,often,already,in the past等笼统地表过去的时间状语连用。如:

(10)He’s just gone. 他刚走。

(11)Have you been here before? 你以前来过这里吗?

(12)I have always liked him. 我一向喜欢他。

(13)I have seen his name in the papers rather often of late. 我近来常在报上看到他的名字。

(14)I’ve already read that book. 我已经读过那本书了。



(15)Nothing has happened since. 从那以后未发生什么事。

(16)Nothing has been quite the same ever since. 从那以后情况就完全不一样了。(ever为了加强语气用)


(17)I have met him often since I have lived here. 自从我在这里住下之后,这常看见他。

(18)I have learned a lot from him since I have known him. 自从我认识了他,我向他学到许多东西。


(19)It’s a long time since I’ve seen you. 好久不见你了。(since I’ve seen you等于since I last saw you)

(20)It’s a long time since I’ve spoken to you. 我有好久没有和你谈谈了。(since I’ve spoken to you等于since I last spoke to you)


(21)He has usually finished all his correspondence before bed time. 他通常在就寝前将所有信件处理完毕。

(22)After six years, a quite different Smith has emerged. 六年之后,史密斯变得判若两人。

(23)I have learned a lot during the year. 这一年来我学到很多东西。

(24)The State has not existed from all eternity. 国家并非从来就有。

(25)I have read quite a bit in the past few days. 近日我读了不少书。

(26)Until recently he has hidden the book in a secret place. 直至近日,他将此书藏在一个秘密的地方。


(27)I haven’t studied English when I was at school. 我上学时没有学过英语。

(28)Have you been here while I was out? 你在我出去时来过这里吗?

5)与long ago连用。现在完成时有时可和时间状语long ago连用。如:

(29)She’s gone long ago. 她早走了。

(30)Fanny has long ago left me. 范妮早已离开我了。

(31)I have ceased to believe that long ago. 我早就不信那个了。


(32)How have you done it? 你是怎么做的?(强调结果。如用过去一般时则问方式)

(33)Why has the child run away? 这孩子为什么逃跑啦?

(34)Where have you been? 你上哪儿去啦?


(35)When have I ever been accustomed to be treated like this? 我什么时候吃过这一套?

(36)When have I been harsh with the children? 我什么时候对孩子粗暴过?


(37)My friend gave to me, and I have since kept it in the drawer. 这是我的朋友给我的,我一直把它保存在这个抽屉里。(发生于过去一般时之后)

(38)Professor Lin left yesterday for America where a lecture-tour has been arranged for him. 美国那边为林教授安排了一次巡回讲学,他昨天已动身去美国了。(发生于过去一般时之前)

(39)I have climbed that hill many a time when I was young. 我年轻时多次爬过那座山。(于过去一般时同时发生)


(40)I have seen the film. I saw it last week. 这个电影我看过了,是上星期看的。

(41)I have lived in China. That was 1940. 我在中国住过,那是1940年。


(42)She has made several attempts to get away, but we succeeded in persuading her to stay. 她几次三番地要走,可我们还是说服她留下了。


(43)We’ve tired. It’s been a long day. 我们累了,今天干了好久。(和现在一般时连用)

(44)Harry has made the tea and is watching TV again. 哈里把茶煮好后,又看起电视来了。(和现在进行时连用)


(45)Why! He has only just gone. What has brought him back soon? 嗬!他刚走,怎么不大一会儿又回来啦?

8)用于时间和原因状语从句。现在完成时和现在一般时一样,也可用在when,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中。这种从句中的现在完成时较之于现在一般时,常强调下列三种情况。


(46)When he has finished his letters, he usually takes them to the post himself. 他写完信,通常都是他亲自付邮。(强调完成)

(47)When they have been frightened, dairy cows may refuse to give milk. 奶牛受惊后可能不出奶。(强调结果)


(48)They often play chess after they have had supper. 他们晚饭后经常下棋。

(49)Almost as soon as we have started we find ourselves at the bottom of the hill. 我们几乎是刚刚动身,就到山腿下了。


(50)When I have studied a book I write a report on it. 我研读完一本书之后就写一篇报告。


(51)We cannot cross the river because the water has risen. 我们过不了河了,因为河水涨了。

(52)She can drive by herself because she has passed her test. 她现在可以独立开车了,因为她已经通过了驾驶考试。


(53)I heard you have been ill. 我听说你病了。

(54)The investigation proved that he has done his best. 调查结果说明他是尽了最大努力的。
第3个回答  2022-08-27
这句话的谓语动词就是have not found,实际上应该写成has not found,因为如果主语为第三人称单数的话,助动词要用has,而不是have。found是find的过去分词。

(1)The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)

(2)Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)

(3)He’s been ill. 他刚生过病。(结果:现在脸色还不好)


①What happened? 发生什么事了?(等于What’s happened?)

②Who took my dictionary? 谁把我的词典拿走了?(等于Who’s taken my dictionary?)


(4)He has traveled over many lands. 他到过许多国家。(结果:他见识很广)

(5)Have you ever seen the sea? 你看见过大海吗?(结果:如见过就告诉我海是什么样吧)

(6)She has had a good education. 她受过良好教育。(结果:她的文化水平比较高)


(7)They have gone to the moon and come back to earth again. 他们踏上了月球,后又返回了地球。

(8)The river has been the scourge to China. But we have tamed it at last. 这条河是中国的灾难。但我们终于把它驯服了。

注意have been与have gone的意思不同。试比较:

(9)I have been to the library. 我刚从图书馆回来。(去而复归,用be的现在完成时)

(10)He has gone to the library. 我到图书馆去了。(去而未归,用go的现在完成时,go的现在完成时还可以作连系动词,表示事物的由强转弱,如:The computer has gone wrong. 电脑出毛病了。)

have been还可和不定式连用。如:

(11)I have been to see John. 我去看过约翰了。

(12)This is one of the few times he has been to shed tears. 这是他难得的一次流泪。

在口语中,have got除具有本义“得到”外,往往等于have,多用在英国英语中,如:

①Have you got a light? 你有火吗?

但在美国口语中,get如具有本义,则用have gotten。如:

②Tom, I have gotten some very good news for you. 汤姆,我得到一些对你非常好的消息。



(13)It’s a beautiful place. Your papa has told me about it. He loved it very much. 那可是个好地方。你爸爸生前和我说过,他非常喜欢那个地方。


(14)Shakespeare has written most of the best plays we know. 在我们熟悉的最佳剧作中,大部分都是莎士比亚写的。

(15)Newton has explained the movements of the moon from the attractions of the earth. 牛顿阐明了月球受到地球引力而运行的规律。


(16)What have you done! 你干了些什么!

(17)Now you’ve done it! 这你可闯下祸了!

在口语中,往往用“have gone(或been)and+过去分词“的形式。如:

(18)You’ve gone and broken my fan. 你把我的扇子弄断了。

(19)You have been and moved my papers! 你乱动我的文件啦!



(1)I have lived here for more than thirty years. 我已在此住了30多年。

(2)I have been here since last October. 从去年十月起,我一直在这里。(since是介系词)

(3)She has taught us since I came to this school. 自从我来到这所学校,她一直教我们。(since是连接词)


(4)Have you waited long? 你等了很久了吗?(动作不再延续,如果说话人是对方所等待的人的话。long前省去了for,也可以认为这里的long是副词用法)

(5)These shoes are worn out. They have lasted a long time. 这些鞋子已穿破了。已穿了很长时间了。(have lasted也不再延续。a long time前省去了for,因为last后面可以直接加时间)


(6)I haven’t bought anything for three months. 我有3个月没有买过任何东西。

(7)I haven’t touched beer for a whole week. 我有整整一个星期没沾啤酒。


(8)The two leaders have met for two hours. 这两位领导人会晤了两个小时。

(9)He has visited China for three days. 他在中国进行了三天访问。

(10)Since when have you become active? 你什么时候开始变得积极了的?


(11)I’ve come only for a few moments. 我来只能待几分钟。

(12)Charlie has gone off to Canada for six months. 查理去加拿大,要去六个月。

3)表过去重复的动作。这种现在完成时常与always,often,many times,every day等时间状语连用。如:

(13)My father has always gone to work by bike. 我父亲一向是骑车上班。

(14)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(15)Six times he has tried and six times he has failed. 他试了六次,六次都失败了。


(16)I have often met him when I have been in London. 我在伦敦时经常见到他。

(17)Sometimes when I have been alone I have remembered that folly. 有时我独自一人,就会想起那桩荒唐事。

when从句中的现在完成时往往被过去一般时所代替,如:Here men have been killed when they fired at a grizzly. (这里人们开枪打灰熊时,是有过牺牲的。)


(1)We are going after we’ve had breakfast. 我们吃过早餐走。

(2)How can you go before the rain has stopped? 雨还没有停,你怎么能走呢?

(3)I’ll wait until he has written his letter. 我愿等到他把信写完。


(4)The test question will be spoken just one time, you must listen very carefully in order to understand what the speaker has said. 试题只念一遍,考生必须仔细听,以理解试题的内容。(从属于must listen…)

(5)If he asks for me, tell him I have left for Paris. 他如问到我,你就告诉他我去巴黎了。(从属于tell him)


(6)There is but one more question: then I have done. 只再提一个问题,我就问完了。(I have done等于I’ll have done,但强调其自然结果)

(7)If I blow the conch and they don’t come back, then we’ve had it. 如果我吹了海螺而他们还不回来,那我们就苦了。

7.20 现在完成时与其它词语连用



(1)Have you found out how wide the ditch was? 你了解到那条沟有多宽吗?(指量沟时的宽度)

(2)Have you found out how wide the ditch is? 你了解到这条沟有多宽吗?(指现在沟仍有的宽度)

(3)Have you found out how wide the ditch will be? 你了解到这条沟将来有多宽吗?

2)与时间状语连用。现在完成时是一个现在时态,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用,如now,today,this week,this month,this year,always,often等。如:

(4)The rain has stopped now. 雨终于停了。(now在此等于at last)

(5)I have lived here for five years now. 我到现在已经在这里住了五年了。(now在此等于up to now)

(6)Have you seen John today? 你今天见过约翰吗?

(7)I have got up very early this morning. 我今天早上起得很早。

(8)It’s rained every day this week. 这个星期天天下雨。

(9)I have been there only once this year. 我今年只去过那儿一次。

现在完成时一般不可和具体地表过去的时间状语如just now,a minute ago,yesterday,last year连用,但可和just,recently,of late,before,never,always,often,already,in the past等笼统地表过去的时间状语连用。如:

(10)He’s just gone. 他刚走。

(11)Have you been here before? 你以前来过这里吗?

(12)I have always liked him. 我一向喜欢他。

(13)I have seen his name in the papers rather often of late. 我近来常在报上看到他的名字。

(14)I’ve already read that book. 我已经读过那本书了。



(15)Nothing has happened since. 从那以后未发生什么事。

(16)Nothing has been quite the same ever since. 从那以后情况就完全不一样了。(ever为了加强语气用)


(17)I have met him often since I have lived here. 自从我在这里住下之后,这常看见他。

(18)I have learned a lot from him since I have known him. 自从我认识了他,我向他学到许多东西。


(19)It’s a long time since I’ve seen you. 好久不见你了。(since I’ve seen you等于since I last saw you)

(20)It’s a long time since I’ve spoken to you. 我有好久没有和你谈谈了。(since I’ve spoken to you等于since I last spoke to you)


(21)He has usually finished all his correspondence before bed time. 他通常在就寝前将所有信件处理完毕。

(22)After six years, a quite different Smith has emerged. 六年之后,史密斯变得判若两人。

(23)I have learned a lot during the year. 这一年来我学到很多东西。

(24)The State has not existed from all eternity. 国家并非从来就有。

(25)I have read quite a bit in the past few days. 近日我读了不少书。

(26)Until recently he has hidden the book in a secret place. 直至近日,他将此书藏在一个秘密的地方。


(27)I haven’t studied English when I was at school. 我上学时没有学过英语。

(28)Have you been here while I was out? 你在我出去时来过这里吗?

5)与long ago连用。现在完成时有时可和时间状语long ago连用。如:

(29)She’s gone long ago. 她早走了。

(30)Fanny has long ago left me. 范妮早已离开我了。

(31)I have ceased to believe that long ago. 我早就不信那个了。


(32)How have you done it? 你是怎么做的?(强调结果。如用过去一般时则问方式)

(33)Why has the child run away? 这孩子为什么逃跑啦?

(34)Where have you been? 你上哪儿去啦?


(35)When have I ever been accustomed to be treated like this? 我什么时候吃过这一套?

(36)When have I been harsh with the children? 我什么时候对孩子粗暴过?


(37)My friend gave to me, and I have since kept it in the drawer. 这是我的朋友给我的,我一直把它保存在这个抽屉里。(发生于过去一般时之后)

(38)Professor Lin left yesterday for America where a lecture-tour has been arranged for him. 美国那边为林教授安排了一次巡回讲学,他昨天已动身去美国了。(发生于过去一般时之前)

(39)I have climbed that hill many a time when I was young. 我年轻时多次爬过那座山。(于过去一般时同时发生)


(40)I have seen the film. I saw it last week. 这个电影我看过了,是上星期看的。

(41)I have lived in China. That was 1940. 我在中国住过,那是1940年。


(42)She has made several attempts to get away, but we succeeded in persuading her to stay. 她几次三番地要走,可我们还是说服她留下了。


(43)We’ve tired. It’s been a long day. 我们累了,今天干了好久。(和现在一般时连用)

(44)Harry has made the tea and is watching TV again. 哈里把茶煮好后,又看起电视来了。(和现在进行时连用)


(45)Why! He has only just gone. What has brought him back soon? 嗬!他刚走,怎么不大一会儿又回来啦?

8)用于时间和原因状语从句。现在完成时和现在一般时一样,也可用在when,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中。这种从句中的现在完成时较之于现在一般时,常强调下列三种情况。


(46)When he has finished his letters, he usually takes them to the post himself. 他写完信,通常都是他亲自付邮。(强调完成)

(47)When they have been frightened, dairy cows may refuse to give milk. 奶牛受惊后可能不出奶。(强调结果)


(48)They often play chess after they have had supper. 他们晚饭后经常下棋。

(49)Almost as soon as we have started we find ourselves at the bottom of the hill. 我们几乎是刚刚动身,就到山腿下了。


(50)When I have studied a book I write a report on it. 我研读完一本书之后就写一篇报告。


(51)We cannot cross the river because the water has risen. 我们过不了河了,因为河水涨了。

(52)She can drive by herself because she has passed her test. 她现在可以独立开车了,因为她已经通过了驾驶考试。


(53)I heard you have been ill. 我听说你病了。

(54)The investigation proved that he has done his best. 调查结果说明他是尽了最大努力的。
第4个回答  2022-08-16
没错,这就是现在完成时,表示“我还没见过这农庄”,have seen是现在完成时的谓语结构。