
That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.

take sth for granted / take it for granted that ...是一个动词短语,意思是“认为……是想当然的(理所当然的),认为……是真的(没有问题的)”,其中介词短语for granted 是宾补,it是形式宾语,that从句是真正的(逻辑)宾语。例如:
Some of us often take the on-line fake news for granted. 我们中的一些人常常对网上的假新闻信以为真。
We take it for granted that he is successful. 我们认为他的成功是理所当然的。
一般来说,英语介词后面通常跟名词、代词、数词、动名词、名词从句(if / that 从句除外。 但介词except后面可以跟that从句。)作宾语。但是,有些介词也有后跟形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、过去分词(非常少见,主要见于有些固定搭配或特殊结构。)的。前者是一种惯例,后者是特殊情况。毕竟先有语言,后有语法,语法无法包揽语言的万象,对后者须作为特殊情况来记忆。特殊情况的范例:
1. He will come for sure / certain.
2. Tibet is very far from here.
3. He lives near here.
4. They come from around the world.
5. He has no choice but / except to leave.
6. She did nothing but / except cry.
7. I can't stay for long.
8. He came out from behind the door.
9. It is too hot in here.
10. We looked everywhere except here.
11. The temple is beautiful except that it is a little small.
12. I can't regard the matter as settled.
13. They finished the task as requested.
14. They took my kindness for granted.
定语That + 主语self-efficiency + 复合谓语cannot be taken +宾补for granted(granted作介词宾语) + 条件状语从句。
第1个回答  2021-02-05
be taken for granted 被认为是理所当然
take it for granted 理所当然
这是一个比较特殊的情况,因为for granted是一个固定短语,for后面跟的是一个过去分词
例如:I take it for granted that a mother should love her child.



介词+名词形式(包括名词,动词ing)其实就是介宾短语,而形容词(包括形容词,动词过去式过去分词,副词)是不可以做介词的宾语。但是!英语中有很多不能用语法来解释的情况,通常会被说是习惯用语。take it for granted就是个经典例子。因此,for granted就被当做是一个习惯上的固定搭配来用。相同情况的还有 for sure(副词),in vain(形容词),at last(副词)。和这几个平时常见的习惯用语一起来记会方便理解。这类情况我们只需要记住即可,不需要用正规语法来解释

第2个回答  2021-02-05
但这里taken for granted是习语:认为(某事)当然。主语:That self-sufficiency ;谓语动词:cannot be taken for granted;条件状语: if yields continue to slow down or reverse.
第3个回答  2021-02-05
take …for granted 是固定短语,认为…是理所当然的。
for granted是介词短语做宾语补足语
第4个回答  2021-02-05
take for granted 是固定搭配的短语,意为“理所当然的”。背下来就好。