第1个回答 2018-01-29
A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [dʒi:] H h [eit∫]
I i [ai] J j [dʒei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu] P p [pi:]
Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′dʌblju:]
X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed]本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答 2020-05-11
Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.
第3个回答 2020-05-11
Hope the morning light can shine into your heart, translated into English, how to say more accurate?