


The change of my life

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be shy and with very little confidence, because I was not learning too well in school. I was the lowest rank in my class. I had very few friends. People thought I was not a good company. But since a new teacher came to my class, I have improved a lot.
Now I'm much different from before. I have learned a lot more. My new teacher taught me many new things and has a different way to make me understand. The biggest change of my life was that I have learned how to use computers to get the information I need. This is the most important because Ihave discovered many new things and knowledge, which I used to lack. They help me to improve myself a great deal. So, now I am a lot happier person than before.

现在已是今非昔比了。我学会了很多东西,我的新老师用不同的方法教导我使我比较容易明白,我最大我改变就是学会了用电脑搜集我需要的讯息。这是我最重要的改变的原因是: 从而可以获得到我以前无法获取的知识,那对我的学习很有帮助。所以我现在比从前快乐很多了。

