


From story data, to music orchestration, to the clever design of cartoon characters, to visual effects and sensuality, to artistry and enjoyment, Up is truly a work of immortality, and history will prove it.

Although the film is animation, animation is not only for children, the film "Up" has also awakened the preferences of the elderly, animation "Up" is suitable for all ages ah! Personal opinion.

Up is a great movie about life and dreams! There are touching pain, there are touching happiness!




第1个回答  2010-07-31
Given the inherent three-dimensional quality evident in Pixar's cutting-edge output, the fact that the studio's 10th animated film is the first to be presented in digital 3-D wouldn't seem to be particularly groundbreaking in and of itself.

But what gives "Up" such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture -- and what a wonderful big picture it is.

Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, high-flying adventure is a tidy 90-minute distillation of all the signature touches that came before it.

It's also the ideal choice to serve as the first animated feature ever to open the Festival de Cannes, considering the way it also pays fond homage to cinema's past, touching upon the works of Chaplin and Hitchcock, not to mention aspects of "It's a Wonderful Life" "The Wizard of Oz" and, more recently, "About Schmidt."本回答被提问者采纳