本人英语非常不好,所以请大神帮帮忙,翻译下面的圣诞节童话剧,翻译成英语的。在线等,急急啊! 谢谢了

富人:我是富人,我很富有,我有的是面包、牛奶,就是不给你这个穷光蛋。并踢了乞丐一脚。 乞丐(艰难的站起来对穷人)说:我又渴又饿、又冷又累,请你行行好,给我一点面包吃吧? 穷人:我很贫穷,只有一片面包,但我愿意分一半给你。
(旁白)慢慢的,松树枝真的发芽了,并长成了一棵圣诞树,而且树上结满了各种各样的礼物, 圣诞老人把这些礼物送给可爱的孩子们。

(the teacher): long long ago, in a very cold winter, there is a poor beggar (parents), he was cold, hungry and thirsty. < beggars with rags, stick out. He came to a village, met a rich man (You Er) and a poor man (You Er) < rich, poor appearance.
The beggar (the rich) said: I was hungry and thirsty, you do me a favor, give me some bread?
富人:我是富人,我很富有,我有的是面包、牛奶,就是不给你这个穷光蛋。并踢了乞丐一脚。 乞丐(艰难的站起来对穷人)说:我又渴又饿、又冷又累,请你行行好,给我一点面包吃吧? 穷人:我很贫穷,只有一片面包,但我愿意分一半给你。
Rich: I was a rich man, I am very rich, I have bread, milk, just do not give you the pauper. And played a beggar. The beggar (hard to stand up for the poor) said: I was hungry and thirsty, cold and tired, please please, give me a bit of bread to eat? The poor: I am poor, only a piece of bread, but I am willing to give you half.
The beggar (from rags, into a Santa Claus): Thank you, good child, peace, happiness will always be with you, give you a pine, you have to remember to water it every day, fertilization, careful to take care of it, it will always bless you.
(旁白)慢慢的,松树枝真的发芽了,并长成了一棵圣诞树,而且树上结满了各种各样的礼物, 圣诞老人把这些礼物送给可爱的孩子们。
(narrator) slowly, the branches of pine really sprout, and grow into a Christmas tree, but the tree node is full of all kinds of gift, Santa Claus give these gifts to the lovely children.
第1个回答  2013-12-02
Voiceover: long long ago, in this frosty winter, there was a poor, pathetic beggar who was freezingly cold, thirsty and starving. <Enter the beggar in a worn out coat with a cane>. He came to a village, where he encountered a rich kid and a poor kid. <Enter the two kids>

The beggar speak( to the rich kid) : I am both hungry and thirsty to hell, could you please show some mercy to spare me some bread?

The rich kid: I am wealthy. I have a hill worth of bread and a lake worth of milk, but not a piece nor a drip of them would I spare you cause you are disgustingly poor.

The beggar speak( to the poor kid): I am dying from thirst and hunger, could you please show some mercy to spare me some bread?

The poor kid: I am so poor and I have only a piece of bread, but I am happy to spare half of it to you.

The beggar take off his coat, under which is actually Santa Claus.

Santa Claus( to the poor kid): Thank you, virtuous kid. May the happiness and peacefulness be with you forever and ever. This is a branch of pine, water it, fertilise it, take good care of it with your heart from now on, then it may bless you everyday.

Voiceover: Tiny by tiny, the branch of pine sprout and grow up to be a huge christmas tree, with all kinds of presents that only go to the hands of virtuous kids.追问



Voiceover: long long ago, in this ice-cold winter, there was a poor beggar who was really cold, thirsty and hungry. . He comes to a village, where he sees a rich kid and a poor kid.

The beggar speak( to the rich kid) : I am both hungry and thirsty to hell, could you please spare me some bread?


第2个回答  2013-12-02
Long long ago,in a very cold winter,there was a poor beggar who was so cold,thirsty and hungry.(present is the ragged beggar with a walking stick.).He came to a vilage,meeting a rich man and a poor man.
The beggar : I'm soory to trouble you ,but I'm so thirsty and hungry,Could you show some mercy to me and give some bread to me?
The rich boy :"I'm a rich man and I'm wealthy .I have as much bread and milk as i want.but I don't want to give you,the poor fellow "and kick down the beggar.
The beggar had to turn to the poor boy said "I'm so thisty and hungry,I feel cold and tired.Could you be so kind to give me a piece of bread?
The poor boy:" I'm not rich ,and I only have one piece of bread. But I'd like to share with you.
The beggar (taking off the worn clothes beame the Santa Claus): Thank you so much,my kind boy.happiness will be always with you. please take this branch and remember to water,ferterlize it regularly, take care of it and it will bless you forever.
Gradually, the branch sprouted and grew into a christmas tree with a variety of gifts. The father christmas gave away the gifts to the lovely children.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-12-02
(the teacher): long long ago, in a very cold winter, there is a poor beggar (parents), he was cold, hungry and thirsty. < beggars with rags, stick out. He came to a village, met a rich man (You Er) and a poor man (You Er) < rich, poor appearance.
The beggar (the rich) said: I was hungry and thirsty, you do me a favor, give me some bread?
Rich: I was a rich man, I am very rich, I have bread, milk, just do not give you the pauper. And played a beggar. The beggar (hard to stand up for the poor) said: I was hungry and thirsty, cold and tired, please please, give me a bit of bread to eat? The poor: I am poor, only a piece of bread, but I am willing to give you half.
The beggar (from rags, into a Santa Claus): Thank you, good child, peace, happiness will always be with you, give you a pine, you have to remember to water it every day, fertilization, careful to take care of it, it will always bless you.
(narrator) slowly, the branches of pine really sprout, and grow into a Christmas tree, but the tree node is full of all kinds of gift, Santa Claus give these gifts to the lovely children.追问

