

1.To learn a foreign language is not easy.
It is not easy to learn a foreign language.
2. It’s dangerous to drive very fast.
My idea is to ring him up at once. 我的想法是马上给他打电话。
如果主语部分含实义动词do,且作表语的动词又是“do”的内容,这时表语不定式的“to”可以省略。如:All I did was wait here. 我能做的就是在这里等。
三、常可接动词不定式作宾语的动词有:agree(同意), hope(希望), decide(决定), need(需要), mean(打算), wish(希望), fail(失败), want(想要), begin(开始), would like(想要)等。
He has decided to go to the countryside. 他已决心去乡下。
四、“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构可以作动词know、think、find out等的宾语。
I don’t know who to ask. 我真不知道该问谁。
五、“疑问词 + 动词不定式”可以作动词show、teach、ask等后面的直接宾语。
She told me where to find the earphone. 她告诉我什么地方可以找到耳机。
六、如果宾语太长,可用it作形式宾语,构成“主语 + 谓语 + it + 宾语不足语(名词或形容词) + to do sth”结构,谓语动词常为find、think、feel等。
I found it difficult to stop him. 我发现拦截他很困难。
Autumn harvest is about to start. 秋收即将开始。
I’m worrying about what to do next. 我正愁下一步该怎么办。
I have a lot of books to read. 我有许多书要读。
We had only a cold room to live in. 我们只有寒室一间。
He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 他总是第一个到,最后一个走。
We have no time to go to town today. 今天我们没有时间去城里。
I’m glad to meet you. 见到你,我很高兴。
They ran over to welcome the foreign guests. 他们跑过来欢迎外宾。
十二、不定式复合结构“for sb to do sth”可用作主语、表语、定语、状语等。
It’s for her to decide. 这得由她来决定。(表语)
There are many books for you to read. 这有许多书供你阅读。(定语)
The book ids too difficult for children to read. 这本书太难了,孩子们看不懂。(结果状语)
It’s + 形容词 + for / of + sb + to do sth.
当上面的形容词指的是to do sth的性质时,用介词for。
It’s dangerous for children to swim in the river. 孩子在这条河里游泳很危险。(游泳这件事情危险)
当上面的形容词指的是sb的性质时,用介词of。这些形容词往往修饰人:good, bad, polite, unkind, kind, nice, clever, right, wrong, careful, careless
It was careless of you to do that. 你这么做真粗心。(你这个人粗心)
十三、动词hear, see, feel, watch, notice, look at, listen to等后面的动词不定式作宾语补足语时不能带to, 即常见的形式为: hear sb do sth等
Many people like to watch others play games. 许多人喜欢看别人玩游戏.
十四、let, make, have后面的动词不定式作宾语补足语, 也不能带to; help后面的动词不定式作宾语补足语, to可有可无
She let us meet her at the station, but she didn’t come. 她让我们去车站迎接她,卡她没有来.
We heard him sing every day.
He was heard to sing every day. 那时每天都听到他唱歌.
十六、跟带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词还有: ask, beg, leave, like, love, hate, prefer, order, teach, tell, believe, find, know, want, think, understand, would like等
形式为: ask sb to do sth
Would you like me to visit him? 要不要我拜访他?
I would prefer you not to come tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天不要来.
He ask the driver to stop the motobike. 他要那位司机拦下那辆摩托车.
①like to do sth
like doing sth
②stop to do sth
stop doing sth
③remember to do sth
remember doing sth
④forget to do sth
forget doing sth
第1个回答  2007-01-02
加ING的一般就是进行时,或者BE V+ING(V是动词,这个句式)如果句中出现NOW,LISTEN,LOOK 等词,也需要加ING

在英语中某些及物动词后接动词不定式作宾语,动词不定式往往表示将来的动作,如课文原句:Kitty plans to take Linda out. (凯蒂打算带琳达出去)。但在汉语中体现不出后面一个动词前的不定式符号To,汉语把两个动词连用在一起的现象称为“连动式”。常用的此类动词有:
Expect to do 期望做。 Refuse to do 拒绝做。 Plan to do计划做。 Decide to do 决定做。 Agree to do 同意做。 Lean to do 学会做。 Hope to do 希望做。 Prepare to do 准备做。 Want to do 想做。 Wait to do 等待做。 Choose to do 选择做。 Wish to do 希望做。
[注] come/go /return /lie down 等不及物动词后的动词不定式一般作目的状语。如:
①I came to tell you the date of the meeting. 我来告诉你开会的日期。
②He went to see his mother .他去看她母亲了。
③We lay down to have a rest .我们躺下休息一下
第2个回答  2007-01-02
第3个回答  2020-10-07