Blur-Fool's day歌词及中文翻译拜托各位了 3Q


标准歌词: Wake up straight Called out by the sun On the first day of April Out of bed Lord, it was a plane crash But I’m sure that I was dreaming TV on, Of course caffeine and signs Of submission again Another day On this little island Just a bell hangs on Porridge done I take my kid to school It was the pound shop, Woolworth’s Under bridge Where the subway sees the daytime And the West Way flies by Then on my bike Down the Ladbroke Grove To the forthcoming dramas The studio And a love of all sweet music We just can’t let go Let go… let go.. let go… let go.. llet go So meditate On what we’ve all become On a cold day in springtime Civil War Is what we all were born into Raise your left hand, right, sing Don’t capitulate To the forces of the market place They’re long departed Consolidate The love we’ve had together On a cold day in springtime —————— 中文分割线 ———————— 四月的第一天 在温暖的阳光中醒来 可又像在做梦一样 飞机失事好像愚人节玩笑 又是一天开始在这个小岛 电视里重复着同样的话题..毒品 暴力 这样那样精神上缴械投降 还是那座古钟不知疲倦的敲响 做好了早饭就送孩子上学 地下道在桥下目睹着时间流逝 头顶上的西街人马不息 我骑车经过这一幕幕熟悉的景象 期待着录音间里又能有小曲传来 这爱意融融的感觉我们无法放手!! 在料峭春寒的这天好好想想 我们变成了什么模样? 战乱纷争的命运无法左右 可至少还可以自由歌唱 别屈从于市场的力量 它们已成久远的过往 虽然是寒风凛冽的一天 可我们的爱更加坚强
