
1.It was true that what Alice did surprised her mother.
2.That what Alice did surprised her mother was true.


1. It was true that what Alice did surprised her mother. 是复合句

主句:It was true (it 是形式主语)
后置主语从句:that what Alice did surprised her mother,其中——
1)That 是引导主语从句的连接词
2)what Alice did surprised her mother 是主谓宾结构
3)句子中包含另一个主语从句 what Alice did,关联词what 同时在从句中作动词 did 的宾语。

2. That what Alice did surprised her mother was true.

该句子其实是第一个句子的翻版,只不过是没有用“it is … that主语从句”这个结构。很明显这里的主语部分 That what Alice did surprised her mother 有七个词之多,而且还包容另一个从句,而谓语部分仅仅有 was true 两个词,句子显得过分头重脚轻。虽然从语法的角度来看句子没有错误,但是却失去了语言平衡的美感,属于出自语言修养不高的人之口的话。

特别提醒:引导主语从句的关联词 that 不能省略。
第1个回答  2010-08-19
第一句正确that 后面的是主语从句
第二句不正确应去掉that ,what Alaice did 作复合句的主语