


释义:adj.潮的; 湿的; 潮湿的; 有雨的; 下雨的; 尚未干的

v.使潮湿; 把…弄湿

n.雨天; 雨; 液体; (尤指)水; 保守党温和派成员


We were dripping wet from the spray. 我们被水花打湿了。

His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. 他的鞋和衣服都湿透了,冰冷冰冷的。

He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs. 他继续前行,穿过湿漉漉的草地,裤腿全湿透了。

Their noises were magnified in the still, wet air. 他们的喧闹声在凝滞而潮湿的空气中显得更吵了。

I was perished. No jacket, no torch, wet through, exhausted. 我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。

His hands were wet with perspiration. 他双手被汗水浸湿了。

The ink had run on the wet paper. 墨迹在湿纸上浸开了。

My face and raincoat were soaking wet. 我的脸上、雨衣上处处湿淋淋的。

They came back sopping wet. 他们回来的时候浑身湿透了。

I returned to the inn cold and wet, soaked through by the drizzling rain 我回到小旅馆时身上被毛毛雨淋透了,感觉又冷又湿。

He towelled his wet hair 他用毛巾擦干湿发。

I lowered myself to the water's edge, getting my feet wet 我弯下身子走到水边,把脚弄湿了。

My gloves were soaking wet 我的手套都湿透了。
